Examples of Low risk in a sentence
In accordance with the principle of risk matching, the corresponding relation between Party A’s risk tolerance level and the risk rating of Products have been established and set out in the below table: 1-低风险 Low risk 预期对短期投资保本。包括与利 率、股权、指数和外汇等标的挂钩的保本结构性投资。 Expect protection on the principal investment and with short-term investment objective.
Low risk activities which may justify a reduction in insurance limits include, but are not limited to:- Services in which the owner/operator is the only Contractor employee;- Services that do not involve the use of a motor vehicle;- Services in which there is no use of hazardous or radioactive materials;- Services in which there is no use of power machinery or tools;- Services in which there is no use of high voltage equipment; and- Services in which no work is actually performed on the University campus.
Low risk employees will have vaccinations made available post exposure, within the timelines required under federal regulations, i.e., if exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
Low risk corporate bonds are used to determine the appropriate discount rate, which are converted to the currency in which the benefits will be paid, and whose expiry date is approaching that of the related pension obligation.
Levels of classification:▪ Normal: Payment made normally or with arrears of no more than 31 days.▪ Low risk: occasional non-compliance with arrears from 31 to 90 days.▪ Middle risk: borrower has difficulty settling obligations, with arrears from 90 to 180 days.▪ High risk: with arrears from 180 days to a year, or in litigation.▪ Unrecoverable: borrowers insolvent, in litigation or bankrupt, with little or no possibility of recovery, or with arrears of more than a year.