At risk definition

At risk means a student who has the potential for academic failure, including, but not
At risk means there is reason to believe injury, hazard, damage, or loss may occur.
At risk means a child who is at risk of not entering school ready to learn due to factors including but not limited to:

Examples of At risk in a sentence

  • Benefit Description: Benefits are available for the Formula for members who meet all of the following criteria:• At risk of mental or physical impairment if deprived of the Formula;• Diagnosed with EGID; and• Under the continuous supervision of a Physician or a registered nurse practitioner.

  • At risk children especially suffer from low expectations, which often translate into watered-down curricula.

  • Financing provided by the lessee or a party related to the les- see, such as a recourse note given by the lessor to the lessee, will not be taken into account in determining the lessor’s minimum investment.(b) At risk amount.

  • The meaning of “at-risk of homelessness” is as such term is defined in section 401(1) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11360(1)), which is codified in HUD’s Continuum of Care Program regulations at 24 CFR 578.3 and reads as follows: At risk of homelessness.

  • At- risk employees who have not submitted a Surplus Transfer Request within this time frame shall be considered to have elected to voluntarily terminate from the Company and accept a Voluntary Sever- ance Payment.

More Definitions of At risk

At risk means there is no guarantee that the target value will be realized.
At risk means at risk of academic failure.
At risk means a designation made by the council based on an adverse action or other findings that indicate a heightened potential of closure or other negative impacts on students.
At risk has the meaning set out in sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph 40. “Borrowers" or “you” means the person(s) shown as borrower(s) and co-borrower(s) if any in the disclosure statement and includes their/your executors, administrators and successors in titlethe people who may take over your rights and obligations if you die or if you cannot pay your debts. “Calculate” means to work out or to decide an amount following certain rules. “Collateral” means the goods and any other personal property described in the disclosure statement in the box headed “WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOU FAIL TO MEET YOUR COMMITMENTS Security Interest” in the “Personal Property – Collateral” section and includes an interest in such goods or other personal property. “Consumer goods” means goods that are used or acquired for use primarily for personal, domestic, or household purposes – goods that are not mostly used in business or investment. “Default” under this agreement means that you do something you have agreed not to do or you fail to do something you have agreed to do. “Default Fees” and “Default interest” are as listed and described under “Default interest charges and default fees” in the disclosure statement. “Financial default” means that you have failed to pay an instalment or other amount when due. “Guarantor” means the person shown as guarantor in this agreement and the associated guarantee and includes his or her executors, administrators and successors in title. “Initial Unpaid Balance” is the amount you owe at the date of this agreement and it is further detailed in the CREDIT DETAILS of the disclosure statement. “Instalment” means a payment you must make regularly, usually on the same day of each week, fortnight or month. “Land” includes an interest in land. “Land to be mortgaged” means the land shown in the disclosure statement in the box headed WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOU FAIL TO MEET YOUR COMMITMENTS”, “Real Property - The Land to be Mortgaged” section. “Legal paper” means a document or a notice or other written paperwork about this agreement. “Lender” or “we” or any similar pronoun is the person lending the money and the expression includes its employees and agents and any person to whom the lender assigns its rights under this agreement or who otherwise takes over the lender’s rights. “Liability” means something you must do or an amount you must pay. If you are liable to do something or pay anything, it means you are responsible for doing or paying – you must do the thi...
At risk or “high risk” means that a child has been referred to juvenile court services for a delinquency violation or has exhibited behaviors likely to result in a juvenile delinquency referral.
At risk means a documented family history of a verified heritable condition described above, a diagnosed medical condition with an established comorbidity to a condition described above, or a verified environmental exposure to an agent or condition known to be the cause of a condition from the conditions described above.
At risk means a student who has the potential for academic failure including, but not limited to, the risk of dropping out of school, involvement in delinquent activity, or poverty as indicated by free or reduced lunch status; and