Examples of Historic and archaeological resources in a sentence
Historic and archaeological resources are vital elements of a community’s identity.
Historic and archaeological resources are protected by a number of statutes and regulations at all levels of government and must be taken into consideration during the NEPA process.
Historic and archaeological resources impacts could be SMALL toMODERATE during construction due to a high potential for additional archaeological sites and resource materials to be discovered at the site.
Historic and archaeological resources at proposed launch and landing sites across New Mexico, Arizona and Texas are potentially extensive.
Historic and archaeological resources determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places are protected under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA; Public Law 89-665; 54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq.).
Definition – Historic and archaeological resources are resources that are either recorded at the state historic preservation office and/or local jurisdictions or have been inadvertently uncovered.
Historic and archaeological resources – No impact to historic and archaeological resources is expected from the No Action alternative.
The existing Historic and archaeological resources rule at N.J.A.C. 7:7E-3.36, which contains standards for development that would affect historic and archaeological resources, remains in effect.
Historic and archaeological resources were identified and evaluated in the Draft – Cultural Resources Inventory for SR 510 Yelm Loop, New Alignment Phase 2 Project, Thurston County, Washington (CRI; HRA 2019).
Historic and archaeological resources – Based upon a review of the NJDEP GIS “Historical Sites” layer (Natural and Historic Resources – State Historic Preservation Office – last revised October 20, 2004), there are no historic or archaeological sites identified within the Shark River.