Examples of Historic archaeological resources in a sentence
To avoid creating another new Federal Agency, these types of claims could be transferred to an existing Agency.
Historic archaeological resources within the study area correspond with thematic contexts represented by standing structures, districts, and landmarks throughout the coastal zone, in towns, cities, and rural settings.
Historic archaeological resources associated with turn of the century and later commercial and retail enterprises within the project site could be present including former foundations, trash disposal pits, and isolated historic artifacts, although overbank flooding of the adjacent San Lorenzo River at various times could have removed any materials.
Historic archaeological resources can include refuse heaps, bottle dumps, ceramic scatters, privies, foundations, and burials and are generally associated in California with the Spanish Mission Period (1769 through 1833) through the mid‐late 20th century (1970).
Historic archaeological resources may exist relatively close to the surface, and the sensitivity for prehistoric resources increases with depth until the base of the younger Quaternary alluvium is reached.
Historic archaeological resources identified in a survey will take into consideration any related standing structures.
Historic archaeological resources pre-dating construction of the facility are considered low due to lack of documented development.Overall, the vertical and horizontal limits of disturbance will be limited to areas that have been previously disturbed by the construction of the existing structures.
Historic archaeological resources pre-dating construction of the facility are considered low due to lack of documented development.Areas of proposed ground disturbance include perimeter flood protection, construction of the flood gates, construction of the new exterior elevators, as well as associated utilities for such improvements.
Such statements shall be certified to be correct in all material respects by the chief financial or accounting officer of CCI subject to normal year-end adjustments.