Historic Cemetery definition
Examples of Historic Cemetery in a sentence
All fees collected pursuant to registration of historic cemeteries (estimated at $1,900 in Appropriated Receipts in each fiscal year and included above) are appropriated to the Texas Historical Commission for the purpose of administering the Historic Cemetery Program for the biennium beginning September 1, 2001.
All fees collected pursuant to registration of historic cemeteries (estimated at $500 in each year and included above) are appropriated to the Texas Historical Commission for the purpose of administering the Historic Cemetery Program for the biennium beginning September 1, 1999.
Any unexpended balances on hand as of August 31, 1998, from the collection of these fees are appropriated to the Texas Historical Commission for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1998 for the purpose of administering the Historic Cemetery Program.
The only reference in Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 for ecotoxicology is: ‘It may be necessary to conduct separate studies for metabolites, breakdown or reaction products derived from the active substance where non-target organisms may be exposed and where their effects cannot be evaluated by the available results relating to the active substance.
The applicant has proposed a 200-footbuffer between the mining property line and the edge of mining along the portion of the property that abuts the Historic Cemetery.