Historical resources means all sites, deposits, structures, buildings, or objects which provide information pertaining to the culture of people during the historical period;
Historical resources means any manuscript, map, photograph, artistic depiction, printed material, flag, or other recorded information, or copies of that information, in the possession of this state, an individual, a private institution, another state, or another nation relating to the history and culture of Texas as a province, colony, republic, or state.
Historical resources means sites, districts, structures, buildings or monuments that represent facets of history in the locality, state or nation; places where significant historical or unusual events occurred; places associated with a personality or group important to the past.
Examples of Historical resources in a sentence
DOS Divisions include the Division of Arts and Culture, the Division of Elections, the Division of Historical Resources and the Division of Library and Information Services.
The update of the Cultural Resources Technical Memorandum shall include the findings of updated background research and a surface survey in the Phase 2 project area of potential effects (“APE”), as well as the results of the updated records search at the Northwest Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System and updated Native American consultation.
More Definitions of Historical resources
Historical resources means any manuscript, map,
Historical resources means property of archaeological, paleontological or heritage significance located in, under or on the City Lands.
Historical resources. As defined in Section 15064.5(a) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, historical resources include sites, objects, buildings, structures, manuscripts, areas, and places that meet significance criteria defined in CEQA. These sorts of resources, whether significant or not, are commonly referred to as cultural resources. A review of official records of previous cultural resource studies and known cultural resources on the project site and vicinity (dated April 29, 2020) indicates that no known cultural resources exist on the project site. Six previous cultural resources studies encompassed or bordered the project site. These studies did not identify any cultural resources in the areas slated for ground disturbance under the proposed project. Staff’s review of the regional and local cultural resources record does not suggest that buried cultural resources underlay the proposed project site. The historical resources exception for categorical exemption does not apply to the proposed project because it would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource (Cal. Code Regs., tit 14, § 15300.2(f)). Soil and Water Resources: Project construction is expected to disturb up to approximately 0.05 acre of soil at the locations for the PV array support foundations and trenching for electrical conduit. This level of soil disturbance would not cause a significant risk to surface water quality through erosion or sedimentation. The project is not expected to need coverage under the State Water Resources Control Board's Construction General Permit for storm water discharges because construction-related ground disturbance is under 1.0 acre. Wastewater discharge from industrial process water uses is not expected to change. The project would not cause a significant effect on water quality. During operations, the project will require a minimal amount of potable water for infrequent PV panel washing (up to a couple of thousand gallons annually). This level of water use would not cause a significant effect on water supplies.
Historical resources means a district, site, structure, or artifact which has a significant relationship to events or conditions of the human past.
Historical resources means all properties (historic, archaeological, landscapes, traditional, etc.) eligible or potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, as well as those that may be significant pursuant to state and local laws and registration programs such as the California Register of Historical Resources or the City of San Clemente Historic Resources Inventory. For the purpose of this title, the following definitions shall apply:
Historical resources means all sites, deposits, structures, buildings, or objects which provide information pertaining to the culture of people during the historical period. Prehistorical: means before the period that written records were used to document events. Prehistorical resources may be archaeological or palentological.
Historical resources means any buildings, structures, sites, objects, historic district and archaeological resources that have been determined to have a) age; b) integrity; and c) historical significance. For the purposes of this Article and of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the term "historical resources" shall include the following: