Reference Resource definition

Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with a single General Electric Frame 7HA turbine with evaporative cooling, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology all CONE Areas, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 9.134 Mmbtu/ MWh.
Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with two General Electric Frame 7FA turbines with inlet air cooling to 50 degrees, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology all CONE Areas, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 10.096 Mmbtu/ MWh.
Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with two General Electric Frame 7FA turbines with inlet air cooling to 50 degrees, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology in CONE Areas 1, 2, 3, and 4, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of

Examples of Reference Resource in a sentence

  • The correspondence transmitting final deliverables shall note the last revision date of the Design Reference Resource Center upon which the plans were based.

  • Reference, Resource, or Learning Materials to be used by Student: Current textbooks and learning resources are listed in the course syllabus.

  • The Department maintains current documents and a summary of the latest revisions through the Design Reference Resource Center (DRRC) ( (the DRRC page of the Department’s Website).This site will release all new and revised design information quarterly, on four specific dates.

  • The Department maintains current documents and a summary of the latest revisions through the Design Reference Resource Center (DRRC) (xxxx:// (the DRRC page of the Department’s Website).

  • The proposed operating parameters should be based on the physical capability of the Reference Resource used in the Cost of New Entry, currently two GE Frame 7FA turbines with dual fuel capability.

  • For more information on Mr. Barry, see The Miller Center on Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, American President, An Online Reference Resource, “William T.

  • The letter transmitting final tracings shall note the last revision date of the Design Reference Resource Center upon which the plans were based.

  • This example also shows (Table 5) how ERCOT is going to determine the Reference Resource and the PPA cap for operations above LSL.

  • That the Public Interest Entities believe combined cycle technology would be a better Reference Resource is not the point.

  • Without limiting the foregoing, Caltrans shall follow its existing CE quality control procedures in Chapter 30 of Volume 1 of Caltrans’ Environmental Handbook available on the on-line Standard Environmental Reference Resource (xxxx://

More Definitions of Reference Resource

Reference Resource means, through the 2025/2026 Delivery Year, a combustion turbine generating station, configured with a single General Electric Frame 7HA turbine with evaporative cooling, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology all CONE Areas, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 9.134 Mmbtu/ MWh. For the 2026/2027 Delivery Year and subsequent Delivery Years, “Reference Resource” shall mean, for all CONE Areas, a combustion turbine generating station, configured with a single General Electric Frame 7HA turbine with evaporative cooling, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 9.189 Mmbtu/MWh.
Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with a single General Electric Frame 7 HA turbine with evaporative cooling Selective Catalytic Reduction technology all CONE Areas, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 9.134 Mmbtu/ MWh.
Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with two General Electric Frame 7FA turbines with inlet air cooling to 50 degrees, Selective Catalytic
Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with twoa single General Electric Frame 7FA turbines7HA turbine with inlet airevaporative cooling to 50 degrees, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology all CONE Areas, dual fuel capability, and a
Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with two General Electric Frame 7FA turbines with inlet air cooling to 50 degrees, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology in CONE Areas 1, 2, 3, and 4, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 10.096 Mmbtu/ MWh.” ‐ PJM OATT, Attachment DD, 2.58

Related to Reference Resource

  • Energy Storage Resource means a resource capable of receiving electric energy from the grid and storing it for later injection to the grid that participates in the PJM Energy, Capacity and/or Ancillary Services markets as a Market Participant.

  • Capacity Storage Resource means any Energy Storage Resource that participates in the Reliability Pricing Model or is otherwise treated as capacity in PJM’s markets such as through a Fixed Resource Requirement Capacity Plan.

  • Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.

  • Day-ahead Energy Market means the schedule of commitments for the purchase or sale of energy and payment of Transmission Congestion Charges developed by the Office of the Interconnection as a result of the offers and specifications submitted in accordance with Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.10 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix. “Day-ahead Energy Market Injection Congestion Credits” shall mean those congestion credits paid to Market Participants for supply transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market including generation schedules, Increment Offers, Up-to Congestion Transactions, import transactions, and Day-Ahead Pseudo-Tie Transactions. “Day-ahead Energy Market Transmission Congestion Charges” shall be equal to the sum of Day- ahead Energy Market Withdrawal Congestion Charges minus [the sum of Day-ahead Energy Market Injection Congestion Credits plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to the Joint Operating Agreement between the Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 38), plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to the Joint Operating Agreement Among and Between New York Independent System Operator Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 45), plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to agreements between the Office of the Interconnection and other entities, as applicable)]. “Day-ahead Energy Market Withdrawal Congestion Charges” shall mean those congestion charges collected from Market Participants for withdrawal transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market from transactions including Demand Bids, Decrement Bids, Up-to Congestion Transactions, Export Transactions, and Day-Ahead Pseudo-Tie Transactions.