Hold on Your Account. Funds are still in your account but we will not allow you to withdraw them. A hold may be placed because of delayed funds availability, a court order requiring us to prevent withdrawals, or other reasons. The amount of a hold reduces your available balance by that amount.
Hold on Your Account means a restriction placed on an amount of funds in your Account that prevents you from withdrawing or using those funds. A Hold on your Account may be placed under our Funds Availability Policy, a court order requiring us to prevent withdrawals, a preauthorized card transaction not yet presented for payment but for which the bank has a legal obligation to pay, a reasonable belief to avoid a loss, a Mobile Check Deposit hold, or other reasons.
Hold on Your Account means that the funds are in your account but we will not allow you to withdraw some or all of them. A hold may be placed because of delayed funds availability, a court order requiring us to prevent withdrawals, or other reasons. The amount of a hold reduces your available balance by that amount. “Item”: means any check, ACH, funds transfer, fee, charge, deposit or other amount that is added to or subtracted from your account.