Examples of Home District in a sentence
The Home District is the District in which the Locality is situated.
The Mobile Home District is a detached residential district establishing standards for the development of a mobile home park, a mobile home subdivision, or a recreational vehicle park.
This panel will include the Local Assistance Division Director (or designate), the Home District Administrator (or designee) and an Independent District Administrator (or designee).
Mobile Homes in a designated Mobile Home District must have a minimum of Six Hundred Fifty (650) square feet of living area exclusive of porches, basements and garages.
Mobile Homes/Manufactured Homes shall be used or occupied only as permanent living or sleeping quarters in the Mobile/Manufactured Home District, subject to the regulations contained herein, except that in any Industrial District, one (1) mobile home or trailer coach may be used as accommodation for caretakers or watchmen, or persons similarly employed, Such mobile home or trailer coach shall be connected to a potable water supply, a sanitary sewer system or approved holding tank, and electric power.
As discussed in section 8.7 of this ROD, the Army has utilized additional information to provide updated estimates of the costs associated with the implementation of each of the interim actions considered in the FFS and Proposed Plan.
The purpose of the Residential Mobile Home District (RMH) shall be to accommodate mobile home park development in a concentrated manner.
The provisions of this section apply to the RCMH 2.5 Residential Conventional and Mobile Home District.
Senior Citizens Nursing Home District of Ray County, 224 S.W.3d 1, 15-16 (Mo. App.
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