Home education definition
Home education means education primarily directed and provided by the parent or guardian of the child under division (A) of section 3321.04 of the Revised Code for the child who is of compulsory school age and is not enrolled in a nonpublic school.
Home education means a program of education supervised by a child's parent in accordance with the requirements of chapter 15.1-23.
Home education means “home education” as defined in RSA 193-A:4, and includes the term home schooling.
Examples of Home education in a sentence
Home education students and students attending small non-member private schools must be approved through the use of a separate form prior to any participation.
Home education students and students attending non-member private schools must be approved through the use of a separate form prior to any participation.
Home education students may be allowed to attend summer school, if the district offers summer school.
Home education students approved for district classes are subject to school board approval.
Home education students may enroll directly with the postsecondary institution pursuant to Section 1007.271(10)(a), F.S., or use the district’s interinstitutional articulation agreement.
More Definitions of Home education
Home education means a purposeful programme of education for a
Home education. ’ means a purposeful programme of education for a learner, alternative to school attendance, which:
Home education means instruction in science, mathematics, language, government, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, the history of the constitutions of New Hampshire and the United States, and an exposure to and appreciation of art and music as provided, coordinated, or directed by a parent for his or her own child.
Home education. , in relation to a student, means instruction provided by a parent who is registered under the School Education Act 1999 as the student’s home educator;
Home education means a program of education supervised by a child's parent in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
Home education means home education as contemplated in section 51 of SASA; 'instructional period' means a period allocated for instruction in a subject or learning area;