School attendance definition

School attendance means enrollment in a public or private elementary or secondary school, a university or college, vocational or technical school or the Job Corps, for the express purpose of gaining skills that lead to gainful employment.
School attendance means physical presence of a child in school attending scheduled class or during such hours and on such days as determined by the school or, for students enrolled in Alternative Education Programs, at the place and during hours scheduled by school for the
School attendance means the full participation of a pupil in the teaching programme within the meaning of the binding primary school curriculum. The school guarantees that the attained education will be at least comparable to education that can be achieved in state primary schools.

Examples of School attendance in a sentence

  • School attendance registers are carefully monitored to identify any trends.

  • School attendance of orphaned children in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of family assets.

  • School attendance exclusively at night does not constitute full-time attendance.

  • Parents and carers Government expectationsThe Department for Education's School attendance guidance states that the government expects:• Parents to perform their legal duty by ensuring their children of compulsory school age who are registered at school attend regularly.• All pupils to be punctual to their lessons.

  • School attendance and retention of Indigenous Australian students.

More Definitions of School attendance

School attendance means enrollment in a public or month shall be deducted from the earned income of clients working private elementary or secondary school, a university or college, less than 100 hours in a calendar month.
School attendance. Students are expected to attend the designated high school and maintain a normal course of school work. Non-attendance will result in consideration for program dismissal SCHOOL PERFORMANCE: Allowing for an initial period of linguistic and/or academic adjustment, a student is expected to achieve an adequate academic record. Poor motivation, under-achievement, or inappropriate behaviour in combination with poor family adjustment may be cause for program dismissal. If a student is expelled from school, that student will be considered for program dismissal.
School attendance means enrollment in a public or Family Medicaid criteria, who lose eligibility for FEP cash private elementary or secondary school, a university or college, assistance because of earned income that does not exceed 185% of vocational or technical school or the Job Corps, for the express the federal poverty guideline, the state shall disregard earned purpose of gaining skills that will lead to gainful employment. income of the specified relative for six months after the FEP
School attendance means enrollment in a public or deduct child care costs from the earned income of clients working private elementary or secondary school, a university or college, 100 hours or more in a calendar month. A maximum of up to $160 vocational or technical school or the Job Corps, for the express a month per child may be deducted. A maximum of up to $130 a purpose of gaining skills that will lead to gainful employment.
School attendance means physical presence of a child in school attending scheduled class or during such hours and on such days as determined by the school or, during hours scheduled by the school for the student, unless excused from such attendance by school policy, state law or tribal law.
School attendance means physical presence of a child in school, and includes attending scheduled classes during such hours and on such days as determined by the school or, for students enrolled in alternative education programs, attendance at the place and during the hours scheduled by the school for the student, unless excused from such attendance by school policy or state law; “School Attendance Officer” means an employee designated or hired by the Stillaguamish Tribe to deal with matters relating to school attendance and truancy (Tribal Police, Indian Child Welfare Caseworkers, Education Director, Etc.);
School attendance means the physical presence of a Child and/or Children within regular school hours and includes attending scheduled classes during scheduled hours for any particular student.