Honorary Member definition

Honorary Member means an individual who has been admitted to Honorary Membership pursuant to Article 9.
Honorary Member means an individual appointed as such under rule 6.6.
Honorary Member means a person within the category of Honorary Membership of the Society as defined in s10A of the Legal Profession (Society) Rules 2007 who holds an Australian Practising Certificate;

Examples of Honorary Member in a sentence

  • Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Board of Directors but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.

  • This register shall have entered in it the full name or the surname and initials, and the address, of each Honorary Member and the date or period of Honorary Membership.

  • Honorary Members (Optional) - Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Board of Directors but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.

  • An Honorary Member may hold no other type of membership in AHIMA; however, Honorary Members who were Active Members at the time of their appointment shall retain their voting privileges.

  • An Honorary Member of the Board of Directors shall have the right, but not the obligation, to attend meetings of the Board of Directors and shall receive for such attendance such fee or other compensation as the Board of Directors shall from time to time fix and determine.

More Definitions of Honorary Member

Honorary Member means an honorary member as contemplated by Article 8.8;
Honorary Member means a member elected pursuant to Article 4;
Honorary Member or “Honorary Life Member” means a person who is not a Member, who upon the recommendation of the Committee or upon a written nomination signed by not less than five (5) Members, is elected by a resolution passed in General Meeting by a majority of not les than three-fourths (3/4 ths) of the Members voting in person thereat as an Honorary Member for Life or for such lessor period as may be so determined and who, in the opinion of such Meeting, has rendered outstanding services to the Club, or to the promotion and encouragement of the breeding or exhibition of pure bred dogs or for other good and sufficient reason and who need not comply with the provision of Rule 6.
Honorary Member means an Honorary Member of the League admitted under National Rule 14.
Honorary Member means a person who has or can offer some necessary skill or service to SSLSC and has been accepted to that category of membership by the General Meeting.
Honorary Member means an individual who, through their experiences and contributions, is considered invaluable to the DPAC or PAC but does not otherwise qualify as a regular member;
Honorary Member means an individual admitted as a Member in