The League definition

The League means the body deemed to be incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 as The Returned Services League of Australia, W.A. Branch (Incorporated);
The League means The Football League Limited.
The League means the Football Association Premier League Limited;

Examples of The League in a sentence

  • The League Year shall be January 1 through December 31, except that the USTA League Committee may authorize the commencement of a local league season prior to January 1, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Committee.

  • The League Manager will have discretion to shorten match lengths in cases of extraordinary circumstances.

  • The League shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.

  • The League may adjudicate upon any dispute in accordance with its rules in force at the time.

  • Brown Act Reminder: The League of California Cities’ Board of Directors has a policy of complying with the spirit of open meeting laws.

More Definitions of The League

The League means the body being a party to this Contract and described as the League on the first page of this Contract.
The League. : means an association of football clubs participating in organised completion under the aegis of the Association and subordinate to the Association.
The League means the football league of which the Club is a member from time to time;
The League means the football league of which the Club is a member from time to time. "the League Rules" shall mean the rules or regulations from time to time in force of the League. "Manager" shall mean the official of the Club responsible for selecting the Club's first team.
The League means the Hills Football League Incorporated which is constituted by those clubs which form the membership of the League at that time;
The League means The FA Women’s Super League.
The League means the league formed by these rules and shall be called "The HHA Junior League".