Examples of Hope community in a sentence
The calibrated Zeal lactometer was also kept in a water bath maintained at 29 0C throughout the analysis.
Consideration is given to length of time in present rank and to the integrated record of performance, i.e., the sum of the impact a faculty member has had on, and beyond, the Hope community with respect to teaching, advising, scholarship, andservice over a period of years.
CENTER FOR DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION In collaboration with the greater Hope community, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) aims to promote a Christ-centered culture of equity and inclusion.
We recommend them to the Hope community as a means of ensuring that our conversations with one another are consistent with both our convictions regarding the worth of people and with our educational mission.
Reporting parties wishing to have an advisor who is not a member of the Hope community should discuss the rationale for the request and gain the consent of the student/faculty judicial board advisor prior to the hearing.
You should also consult our webpages, which are designed to provide you with as much information as possible to help you make a successful and enjoyable transition to the Hope community.
When you become a member of the Hope community, either by enrolling in classes or as a faculty or staff member, you assume the responsibility of creating an atmosphere that is conducive to education and scholarship by observing the standards that have been defined.
These are merit increases, and are determined by the sum of the impact a faculty member has on, and beyond, the Hope community with respect to teaching, advising, scholarship, and service during a given year.Recommendations for salary increases normally are made to the Status Committeeby the departmental chairperson and the divisional dean.
The Hudson’s Hope community has shrunk from a population of 1400 in 1978 down to present day population of 970.
Because of our commitment to free expression, peaceful campus demonstrations and assembly by the members of the Hope community are permitted subject to the limitations described in this policy.