Hospital company definition

Hospital company means a corporation or other entity subject to the taxes imposed under parts 20 and 21 of this chapter and which qualified before January 1, 1999, with the department as a hospital company as defined under prior law;
Hospital company means a corporation or other entity subject to the taxes imposed under parts 8 and 9 of this chapter substantially all of the activities of which during the taxable year constitute the performance of health care services and which either
Hospital company means a corporation subject to the taxes imposed under part 20 of this chapter and which qualified before January 1, 1999, with the department as a hospital company as defined under prior law.

Examples of Hospital company in a sentence

  • His services to the Hospital company and other hospitals in the group are proven through the performance results of the hospitals and are worthy to be recorded.

  • The bidder’s Hospital/ company should have minimum total annual turnover of Rs. 15 crores in each last three financial years (2012-13, 2013-14,2014-15).

  • At the same time, the hegemonic interests are visible in the Eurasian integration project as well.

  • Service Triangle In Health Care Industry: Hospital (company) IIJJEERRTTThe pooling of risk is one specific characteristic of the health care industry.

  • Accordingly, AngloGold is in the process of instituting eviction proceedings against the Westvaal Hospital Comxxxx.Xx xxrm of the aforesaid lease (which has since been cancelled), the Westvaal Hospital company leased some of the private rooms to medical practitioners (such as occupational therapists and physiotherapists) (the "West Vaal Medical Practitioners").

Related to Hospital company

  • Hospital means a facility that:

  • General hospital means a subclass of hospital that provides surgical services and emergency services.