Household income means the combined income of the members
Moderate-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income in excess of 50 percent but less than 80 percent of the median household income.
Median household income (MHI) means the calculation computed by the U.S. Census Bureau - Income of Households - This includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are related to the householder or not. Because many households consist of only one-person, average household income is usually less than average family income. The median divides the income distribution into two equal parts: one-half of the cases falling below the median income and one-half above the median. For households and families, the median income is based on the distribution of the total number of households and families including those with no income. The median income for individuals is based on individuals 15 years old and over with income. Median income for households, families, and individuals is computed on the basis of a standard distribution.
Gross household income means gross income of a household as those terms are defined in rules of the authority.
Lower income household means a household having an income equal to or less than the
Household goods means personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling when a part of the equipment or supply of that dwelling. Household goods do not include property moving from a factory or store, unless the property was purchased by the householder with intent to use the property in his or her dwelling, the property is transported at the request of the householder, and the householder pays the carrier's transportation charges either directly or indirectly.
Households means one or more natural persons or a family who pays 30 percent of their household income toward their monthly rent and is determined by Grantee to be eligible for rental assistance under this Agreement.
Moderate income housing means housing affordable,
Very low-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income equal to 30 percent or less of the median household income.
Household means a family group living in the same domestic dwelling.
Access Compensation is the compensation paid by one Party to the other Party for the origination/termination of intraLATA toll calls to/from its End User. Access compensation is in accordance with the LEC’s tariffed access rates.
Extremely low-income household means a single person,
Low-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income equal to 50 percent or less of the median household income.
Low Income Households means households earning 80 percent or less of the countywide median income.
Units serving lower income households means units that are occupied by lower income households at an affordable rent, as defined in section 50053 of the Health and Safety Code or, to the extent that the terms of federal, state, or local financing or financial assistance conflicts with section 50053, rents that do not exceed those prescribed by the terms of the financing or financial assistance. Effective October 13, 2017, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 214(g)(2)(A)(iii), a unit in a property that receives federal low income housing tax credits shall continue to be treated as occupied by a lower income household if the occupants were lower income households on the lien date in the fiscal year in which their occupancy of the unit commenced and the unit continues to be rent restricted, notwithstanding an increase in the income of the occupants of the unit to 140 percent of area median income (AMI), adjusted for family size (“over-income” tenants). Units reserved for lower income households at an affordable rent that are temporarily vacant due to tenant turnover or repairs shall be counted as occupied.
Social services means foster care, adoption, adoption assistance, child-protective services, domestic
Minimum Generation Emergency means an Emergency declared by the Office of the Interconnection in which the Office of the Interconnection anticipates requesting one or more generating resources to operate at or below Normal Minimum Generation, in order to manage, alleviate, or end the Emergency.
Eligible Household means a household that is eligible to receive fuel assistance through the Maine State Housing Authority pursuant to section 4722, subsection 1, paragraph W; section 4741, subsection 15; and subchapter XIII and rules adopted pursuant to these laws. "Eligible household" does not include a tenant who resides in subsidized housing and receives a utility allowance or a tenant whose utilities are included in the rent. [PL 2001, c. 257, §1 (NEW).]
Return Location means the location from which the Vehicle was hired and which is shown in Rental Vehicle Agreement Part A.
Established geographic service area means a geographic area, as approved by the Commissioner and based on the carrier's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state, within which the carrier is authorized to provide coverage;
Household members means those persons who reside in the same home, who have reciprocal duties to and do provide financial support for one another. This term shall include xxxxxx children and legal wards even if they do not live in the household. The term does not include persons sharing the same general house, when the living style is primarily that of a dormitory or commune;
Maximum Generation Emergency Alert means an alert issued by the Office of the Interconnection to notify PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators that a Maximum Generation Emergency may be declared, for any Operating Day in either, as applicable, the Day-ahead Energy Market or the Real-time Energy Market, for all or any part of such Operating Day.
Asset Coverage means asset coverage, as determined in accordance with Section 18(h) of the 1940 Act, of at least 200% with respect to all outstanding senior securities of the Trust which are stock, including all Outstanding Series B Preferred Shares (or such other asset coverage as may in the future be specified in or under the 1940 Act as the minimum asset coverage for senior securities which are stock of a closed-end investment company as a condition of declaring dividends on its common stock), determined on the basis of values calculated as of a time within 48 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays or holidays) next preceding the time of such determination.
High Deductible Health Plan means a Health Plan as defined by 26 USC § 223(c)(2)(A) that also is a Qualified Health Plan.
Farmworker Household means a household of one or more persons wherein at least one member of the household is a Farmworker at the time of initial occupancy.
Qualified low-income community investment means any capital