Examples of Housekeeping Amendments in a sentence
For purposes of clarity and ease of use, the Honor Committee will endeavor to enact substantive By-law amendments (versus Housekeeping Amendments) once each academic year, at the same time each year, to the extent possible; provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent the Committee from enacting such amendments at any time and at any interval if the Committee deems it prudent to do so.
In addition, the Executive Committee may adopt Housekeeping Amendments at any time, without obtaining the approval of the entire Honor Committee, provided that the Executive Committee shall give reasonable notice of the content of such Housekeeping Amendments to the entire Honor Committee within at least twenty- four (24) hours prior to their adoption.
Voting Majority; Housekeeping Amendments These By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Honor Committee, voting in accordance with the regular procedures of the Honor Committee.
The public presentation respecting, Report PED12015, Housekeeping Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning By-law 05- 200 (City Wide), was received.
In addition, the Executive Committee may adopt Housekeeping Amendments at any time, without obtaining the approval of the entire HonorCommittee, provided that the Executive Committee shall give reasonable notice of the content of such Housekeeping Amendments to the entire Honor Committee within at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to their adoption.
The Housekeeping Amendments shall have each been made on terms satisfactory to each of the Company and the Purchaser, each acting reasonably.
Parks, Manager of Traffic Engineering Services, Works and Transportation, dated October 20, 2009, re: General Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended – Administrative Updates to the Rate of Speed, Stop Signs and No Parking Schedules and Housekeeping Amendments (File G02).
The amendment also brings the MFD Rule definition of “Corporation” into conformance with the definition of “Corporation” under the Investment Dealer and Partially Consolidated Rules.A blackline and clean copy of the text of the Housekeeping Amendments to the MFD Rules are set out atAppendix C and Appendix D respectively.
PA 1336/ Inthe Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Florence Realization 2020 Comprehensive Plan and Florence Stormwater Management Plan, Various Housekeeping Amendments, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File No. 509-PA16-05276).
IIROC CFRs Housekeeping AmendmentsIn this section, we provide a summary of the IIROC CFRs Housekeeping Amendments.