Examples of Housing Production Strategy Report in a sentence
In response to Mayor CLEMENTS’ question, BOQUIST stated that he was not certain that the Housing Production Strategy Report was located on the City’s Planning page in the same final form that was in the Councilor packet.
Subsequent to completion of these memos, key information and recommendations from the memos will be incorporated into a Housing Production Strategy Report.
A Housing Production Strategy Report may identify strategies including but not limited to strategies listed in the Housing Production Strategy Guidance for Cities published by the Department under Exhibit B.
Furthermore, cities with population over 10,000 will also be required to submit a Housing Production Strategy Report within one year of HNA adoption.
As rulewriting continues to develop, expectations will need to be clearly defined for the Housing Production Strategy Report structure in order to allow for consistent reporting across jurisdictions and DLCD staff review – this is especially important in the Contextualized Housing, Engagement and Strategies to Accommodate Future Housing Need sections.
Future meetings of this HPSTAC will center on the delineation of what a city is required to include in a local Housing Production Strategy Report and what items may be included to better understand the full extent of a city’s housing needs.
The primary objectives of the May 7 meeting are to 1) review draft IBTER rule concepts, 2) identify Housing Production Strategy Report requirements and guidance, and 3) review revised Large and Metro Cities Model Code and minimum compliance standards Parts 1 and 2.
This will help cities provide a baseline ofinformation to DLCD staff, with the opportunity to establish non-mandatory best practices for Housing Production Strategy Report writing.
ORS 197.040 STATUTES/OTHER IMPLEMENTED: ORS 197.295 - 197.314, 197.475 - 197.490 AMEND: 660-008-0050 RULE TITLE: Housing Production Strategy Report Structure RULE SUMMARY: The proposed rule amendment establishes requirements for certain local governments to include data and analysis related to housing development within climate friendly areas or within Metro’s Region 2040 centers in Housing Production Strategy Reports.
Members were in general agreement regarding elements of the Housing Production Strategy Report, but also wanted cities to further report and reflect on their efforts to affirmatively further fair housing for protected classes considered in Oregon and Federal Fair Housing Law.