Examples of HRG Survey in a sentence
The sections below provide additional details on the distribution, abundance, and status of the marine mammal species or stocks that could occur in the HRG Survey Area and surrounding waters.
Two species of pinnipeds are likely to occur in the Atlantic Ocean near the HRG Survey Area: the harbor seal and gray seal.
Counsel recently located his client and discovered there is an error in that monies should be in hand are missing.
The monthly Administrative Fee invoice that the Contractor must submit to ASES shall include the following certification: “Bajo xxxx de nulidad absoluta certifico que ningún servidor público de ASES es parte o tiene algún interés en las ganancias o beneficios producto del contrato objeto de esta factura y, de ser parte o tener interés en las ganancias o beneficios productos del contrato, ha mediado una xxxxxxxx previa.
Sei whales are expected to be present in the HRG Survey Area and surrounding waters but much less common than the other baleen whale species.
A BIA for humpback whales for feeding has been designated northeast of the HRG Survey Area from March through December (LaBrecque et al.
One feeding BIA is located north of the HRG Survey Area at Cape Cod Bay and Massachusetts Bay and occurs from February to April, and another is located northeast of the HRG Survey Area in the Great South Channel, from April to June; both BIAs occur within the Proposed Survey Area.
The common bottlenose dolphins occurring in the HRG Survey Area would likely belong to the Western North Atlantic Offshore Stock, which is not considered strategic.
Sei whales occurring within the HRG Survey Area are considered part of the Nova Scotia stock, which includes continental shelf waters from the northeastern U.S. to areas south of Newfoundland (Hayes et al.
Sightings of this species in the HRG Survey Area are possible though NARWs are generally distributed farther north at the time of year when the proposed survey is scheduled to occur.AbundanceThe Western North Atlantic population size has been declining since 2011 and is currently estimated at 368 individuals (Hayes et al.