Survey definition
Examples of Survey in a sentence
Survey of the Lesser Prairie Chicken on Bureau of Land Management Lands- Carlsbad Resource Area, NM.
Student Goal 3: APM will receive a 4 or higher on the Family Engagement Survey question: I would recommend this school to other parents.
This Cooperative and Joint Venture Agreement (hereinafter called agreement) between the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Geological Survey – Biological Resources Division, National Park Service, and U.S. Forest Service, (hereinafter called Federal Agencies), and the University of Montana – Missoula and its partner institutions in to establish and maintain the Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit.
Custom S80-000123 IL-VES-PS-CE Intel Lighting - Consulting Eng Intelligent Lighting - VES PS Consulting Engineer $180.00/hour S80-000123 IL-VES-PS-PGM Intel Lighting - Program Mgmt Intelligent Lighting - VES Program Management $180.00/hour S80-000123 IL-VSC-SURVEY Intelligent Lighting - Site Survey Services Site Survey Services.
Student Goal 2: 70% of students will respond favorably on the Panorama Survey in the area of Sense of Belonging.