Archaeological Resources. 1. All archaeological investigations shall be carried out in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Conduct of Archaeological Surveys and Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations in Pennsylvania (2008).
2. The following types of ground-disturbing activities have the potential to affect archaeological resources:
a. Ground-disturbing site preparation, such as grading or excavation, in connection with property relocation or new construction.
b. Footing and foundation work occurring more than two feet from any existing footings or foundations, including soils improvement/densification techniques.
c. Installation of underground utilities such as sewer and water lines, storm drains, electrical, gas or xxxxx lines and septic tanks, except where installation is restricted to areas previously disturbed by installation of these utilities.
d. Installation of underground irrigation or sprinkler systems, except where installation is restricted to areas previously disturbed by such systems.
e. Landscaping, tree and vegetation plantings.
f. Excavations required for drainage improvements.
g. Excavations required for geotechnical and soils percolation purposes.
h. Ground-disturbing maintenance and repair of existing parks, playgrounds, and associated landscape features, including plantings, fences, and in-kind replacement of dead, overgrown, or unsafe landscape features.
3. The Certified Staff shall also conduct a historic documents search, to include historic maps, in order to determine past land-use in the project area and assess the potential of the project area to contain archaeological resources that may be eligible for listing in the National Register. When an undertaking may include the foregoing types of ground-disturbing activities, and prior to any substantial ground disturbance associated with Program activities, the Certified Staff shall consult with the SHPO to determine if the project area contains known archaeological resources, including human remains, that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register, or if there is a high probability that such resources may be present within the project area.
4. When archaeological resources, including human remains, are found that meet the National Register criteria, the Certified Staff and the HUD- funding recipient will work with SHPO staff to redesign the undertaking to avoid the resources and allow for preservation in place, whenever feasible. When it is determined inf...
Archaeological Resources. A. Walla Walla VAMC will avoid, protect, and evaluate known archaeological sites, to include those whose boundaries are not completely understood. Walla Walla VAMC will ensure that construction drawings for current and future Undertaking activities will clearly identify no work zones around the sites as currently recorded and the addition of a 10-meter buffer. On the ground, the no-work zone will be marked by stakes and a silt fence; photo documentation will be provided to the signatory parties.
B. To create a permanent record, the current condition of sites 45WW304, 45WW305, 45WW330 and 45WW331 which were damaged during construction activities listed in the 2010 MOA, will be documented.
1. All parties are to agree upon who conducts the damage assessment, the scope of work for the assessment, and the agreed upon mitigation package scaled to the amount of damage.
2. At minimum, damage assessments will include completion of archaeological site forms, artifact analysis (if applicable), GPS data collection, and full evaluations for individual eligibility to the NRHP and/or as contributing elements to the Fort Walla Walla Historic District.
C. In consultation with DAHP and other Consulting Parties, Walla Walla VAMC will develop a Site Treatment and Management Plan addressing the future care of archaeological sites. The plan will be prepared and implemented within four months of final MOA signature and will be incorporated into the Historic Preservation Plan in Stipulation VII.B.
D. Walla Walla VAMC has developed a Monitoring Plan and Discovery Protocol consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Archaeological Documentation (48 FR 44734-44737), the Council’s Treatment of Archaeological Properties (ACHP, draft 1980), and applicable Washington regulations (Attachment D). In accordance with Attachment D, the Walla Walla VAMC will ensure that archaeological monitoring will be implemented for all ground disturbing activities associated with construction activities. In the event of the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources, the Walla Walla VAMC and its contractors will consider the resources as NRHP-eligible and shall follow the procedures outlined in Attachment D in order to recover data and minimize construction delays.
E. If human remains are encountered during any construction and ground-disturbing activities, the Walla Walla VAMC will comply with all applicable Federal and State provisions. Walla Walla VAMC has developed a Human Remains...
Archaeological Resources. A. The City of Detroit will develop a construction archeological monitoring program for areas of the Project that have the potential to affect Capitol Park (20WN785) or elements of the pre-1805 city. These areas are the north side of State Street adjacent to Capitol Park, Washington Boulevard south of Fort Street, those portions of Xxxxxx Avenue and Congress Street between Washington Boulevard and Xxxxxxxx Street, and the north side of Xxxxxx Avenue near the east side of Xxxxxxxx Avenue. All ground disturbing activities reaching 0.6 meter (24 inches) below grade in these areas shall be monitored by a professional archaeologist who meets the Secretary of Interior’s qualifications for that discipline (36 CFR Part 61).
B. If unanticipated archaeological artifacts, structures, human remains, or other resources are encountered, the City of Detroit will: (1) stop work involving subsurface ground disturbance in the area of the find and, as determined by the professional archeologist, in the surrounding area where further subsurface finds can be reasonably expected; (2) notify the SHPO, the FTA, and Indian tribes (if appropriate) about the discovery; (3) have the archaeologist investigate the discovery and recommend to SHPO either: (a) that construction be permitted to resume, or (b) that the discovery be further investigated and if FTA determines, consultation undertaken, to determine if it is eligible for the NRHP. Construction may resume if the qualified archaeologist so recommends and SHPO agrees. Should SHPO fail to respond within 21 calendar days after receipt of the notification and investigation, the City of Detroit shall proceed in accordance with the qualified archaeologist’s recommendation.
C. If the qualified archaeologist recommends further investigation of the discovery, an expedited process shall be followed in accordance with 36 CFR 800.13(b) which:
(1) determines the eligibility of the archaeological resource; (2) if the resource is deemed eligible and SHPO agrees, determines the extent of the resource affected by the Project; (3) considers Project changes to avoid an eligible archaeological resource, if feasible; (4) develops a data recovery plan if the resource is not avoidable; (5) executes the data recovery plan for the resource; and (6) curates the results. Details of these activities shall be expeditiously developed and executed by the qualified archaeologist in consultation with SHPO. SHPO’s failure to respond within seven days of any writt...
Archaeological Resources. For construction grant that involves ground disturbing activity:
a) The Grantee is responsible for obtaining a qualified archaeologist to review the ground disturbing activity and verify conformance to the Standards. The Grantee shall bear all costs related to such review.
b) If the affected area is deemed to have high archaeological potential by HPO staff, the Grantee is responsible for obtaining an archaeological survey that will be performed by an archaeologist who meets the National Park Service’s Professional Qualification Standards for Archaeology (attached as Exhibit 3). The scope of work shall be developed in consultation with the HPO. A report (meeting the HPO Report Guidelines) detailing the findings of the investigation shall be submitted to the HPO for review and approval.
c) Significant archaeological resources shall be avoided or preserved in place whenever feasible. When preservation in place is not possible, in whole or in part, the Grantee is responsible for performing a treatment for "data recovery" consistent with the Advisory Council's Handbook, Treatment of Archaeological Properties, and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (48 FR 44716). This will be developed and implemented in consultation with HPO.
d) In the event that previously unidentified and undocumented, high density archaeological deposits are unearthed during construction, the Grantee shall contact the County and HPO for an archaeologist from HPO to make an on-the- spot appraisal of the significance of the remains.
Archaeological Resources. In the event that Archaeological Resources are uncovered at the Property during the course of any excavations or ground disturbance the Owner shall immediately cease all activities at the specific location where the discovery has exposed buried structural features and/or artifacts and notify the Trust in writing forthwith. The Trust may require that the Owner, at its cost, retain a licensed consulting archaeologist to investigate and document the finds prior to the Owner continuing or allowing the continuance of any excavation or ground disturbance.
Archaeological Resources. The Developer shall contact the Curator of Special Places with the Heritage Division of the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage of the Province of Nova Scotia prior to any disturbance of the Land and the Developer shall comply with the requirements set forth by the Province in this regard.
Archaeological Resources. FEMA may consult with the SHPO to determine the level of effort and methodology necessary to identify and define the limits of these properties. For historic properties of religious and/or cultural significance to Tribe(s), FEMA shall consult with the affected Tribe(s) to determine geographical areas containing historic properties of Tribal religious and/or cultural significance that may have the potential for impacts due to an Undertaking in order to aid in determining the necessary level of effort required to protect any such historic properties.
Archaeological Resources. If archae- ological resources or human remains are discovered on the project site dur- ing construction or rehabilitation, the grantee must consult with affected tribes and/or descendant communities and comply with the Native American Xxxxxx Protection and Repatriation Act (25 U.S.C. 3001–3013), State law, and/or local ordinance (e.g., State un- marked burial law).
Archaeological Resources. If archae- ological resources or human remains are discovered on the project site dur- ing construction, the grantee must consult with affected tribes and/or de- scendant communities and comply with the Native American Xxxxxx Pro- tection and Repatriation Act (25 U.S.C. 3001–3013), State law and/or local ordi- xxxxx (e.g., State unmarked burial law).
(ii) Farmland. Project activities must not result in the conversion of unique, prime, or statewide or locally signifi- cant agricultural properties to urban uses.
(iii) Airport zones. Projects are not permitted within the runway protec- tion zones of civilian airports, or the clear zones or accident potential zones of military airfields.
Archaeological Resources. The lead Federal agency may determine that a proposed undertaking will not affect historic properties when:
a. The lead Federal agency identifies an archaeological site or sites that may be affected by the undertaking but determines that the site or sites do not possess research potential under NRHP criteria and the Louisiana Comprehensive Archaeological Plan, or
b. The lead Federal agency determines that the proposed undertaking will not alter characteristics of an archaeological site that qualifies it for inclusion in or eligibility for the NRHP.