Examples of Hub Height in a sentence
Hub Height: The distance from the ground to the center axis of the turbine rotor.
U.S. Wind Speeds at 100m Hub Height A wind turbine ideally would be located where wind flow is non-turbulent and constant year round without excessive or extreme gusts.
However, a working hypothesis on the role of corporate governance in contributing to the crisis is becoming clear.
Combined viewshed of the Rietrug, Sutherland and Sutherland 2 wind energy facilities viewshed: Difference: 150-200 m Hub Height (Oberholzer and Lawson, 2019).
U.S. Wind Offshore Speeds at 100m Hub Height 25 Block Island Wind Farm – 30 MW wind farm off the coast of Rhode Island.
Figure 7: Representation of Wind Turbine Hub Height and Rotor Diameter Increases.
It is located near the town of cookhouse in the Eastern Cape Province and consist of 66 turbines (Hub Height 80m).
U.S. Wind Speeds at 100m Hub Height A wind turbine would ideally be located where wind flow is non-turbulent and constant year round without excessive or extreme gusts.
Hub Height: Means the distance to the center of the wind turbine hub as measured from ground level.
Combined WEFs (Rietrug, Sutherland and Sutherland 2) viewshed: Amendment 2017: 150 m Hub Height (Oberholzer and Lawson, 2019).