Airport definition
Examples of Airport in a sentence
OWNER CONSULTANT By By Attest Attachments: A, B, C ATTACHMENT A Grand Rapids-Itasca County Airport (GPZ) 2025 Vehicle Gate Replacement Scope of Work Schedule A (Final Design, Plans and Specifications, and Bidding Documents) PROJECT SCOPE: This project consists of the replacement or rehabilitation of the existing powered vehicular gates serving the Grand Rapids-Itasca County Airport.
Proposal for Engineering Services Grand Rapids-Itasca County Airport SCOPE OF SERVICES: Services to be provided include program coordination, project formulation, Engineer’s Design Report, final design, bidding services, subcontractor coordination, and project management.
The OWNER agrees to and hereby does retain and employ CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees to perform Architectural, Engineering and/or other Professional Services for the project at the Grand Rapids/Itasca County Airport, entitled: 2025 Vehicle Gate Replacement hereinafter referred to as the Project.