Examples of Hudson Yards Development in a sentence
HYIC does not engage in development directly, but finances development spearheaded by Hudson Yards Development Corporation (“HYDC”) and carried out by existing public entities.
Sirefman, COIB Case No. 2007-847 (2009) (fining the former Interim President of the New York City Economic Development Corporation (“EDC”) $1,500 for appearing before the Hudson Yards Development Corporation (“HYDC”) within one year of his resignation from EDC because the current EDC President was present at a meeting attended by the former Interim President in the EDC President’s capacity as an ex-officio Member and Director of HYDC).
The next agenda item was the review of the financial statements and management letters for the Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation (“HYIC”) and the Hudson Yards Development Corporation (“HYDC”) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013.
For Background information about Hudson Park and Boulevard and the Hudson Yards Development Program, see Appendix 1.
The design of Hudson Park and Boulevard and the Hudson Yards streetscape should reflect and recognize the overall Hudson Yards Development Program, including the Special Hudson Yards District of the City’s Zoning Resolution, and the location, scale, and design of anticipated new private development.
For example, the Hudson Yards Development Plan proposes rezoning that would change much of a manufacturing area to commercial and residential.
This rezoning was the result of a collaborative planning process undertaken by the City, the MTA, the Hudson Yards Development Corporation, and the community.
For the potential provision of offshore outsourcing at the international level in the jurisdiction of Russia, it is possible to adhere to the isic international standard classifier (United Nations, 2008).
Hudson Yards Development Corporation and Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation The next agenda item was the review of the financial statements and management letters of the Hudson Yards Development Corporation (HYDC) and Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation (HYIC) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016.
CL&M continues to act as Special Condemnation Counsel to the City of New York and the Hudson Yards Development Corporation in connection with the No. 7 Subway Extension - Hudson YardsRezoning and Development Program.