Side Yard definition
Examples of Side Yard in a sentence
Vice Chair Bowman motioned to suspend the Rules, seconded by Member Fantini, to have Dr. Dobberteen speak to the Safeties & Facilities Manual: On the following roll call vote, the Rules were suspended for the purpose stated: Vice Chair Bowman YEA; Member Fantini YEA; Member Rojas YEA; Member Rachel YEA; Member Weinstein YEA; Member Wilson ABSENT; Mayor Siddiqui YEA.
Buildings and structures shall be sited in accordance with the following minimumsetbacks: Setback Front Rear Side Side Yard Yard Yard Yard on FlankingUse Street Principal 7.5 m.
Minimum Side Yard: Five feet (5’) for detached structures; 0 feet for attached structures Minimum Lot Width: Fifty feet (50’)Reconstruction or development on narrower lots shall be allowed if the lot was in existence in its current configuration and under separate ownership from adjoining lots on or before July 10, 2006 (date of adoption of this ordinance).
Buildings and structures shall be sited in accordance with the following minimumsetbacks: Setback Front Rear Side Side Yard Yard Yard Yard on FlankingUse Street Principal and 7.5 m.
Any garage or other accessory Structure erected underground within any Rear Yard or Side Yard required by this Article, including the piers, railings, and parapets of such Structure, shall not extend more than five (5) feet above Grade.