Hydrologically Connected definition

Hydrologically Connected means the interconnection of groundwater and surface water such that they constitute one water supply and use of either results in an impact to both.
Hydrologically Connected means the situation in which defined surface areas and/or subsurface areas drain to common points or regions under natural conditions;
Hydrologically Connected means a surface of a road, landing, or disturbed area from which precipitation will runoff directly into a watercourse. Hydrologically connected areas are inherently delimited by topography and can be truncated with drainage facilities that divert runoff to the forest floor.

Examples of Hydrologically Connected in a sentence

  • There shall be no additional irrigation wells, not considered as Replacement Wells, constructed in the Hydrologically Connected Area without a variance being granted by the District for the expansion of groundwater irrigated acres.

  • There shall be no additional groundwater irrigated acres, beyond those considered to be Historically Irrigated Acres, within the Hydrologically Connected Area without a variance being granted by the District.

  • Legislative approval is sought for Federal or federally assisted con- struction or other projects which the agency recommends be located at spe- cific geographic locations.

  • Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Article IV, the Tribes may continue to divert or authorize the diversion of the water rights set forth in Section D.1.a. of this Article III from any place and by any means from surface water or Groundwater that is Hydrologically Connected to surface water, within the Reservation in Basin 40EJ.

  • Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Article IV, the water right set forth in Section A.1.a. of this Article III may be diverted from the mainstem of the Milk River in the Milk River Basin 40J, or from Groundwater beneath the Reservation that is Hydrologically Connected to the surface water from any place and by any means in the Milk River Basin 40J.

  • The Tribes have the right to divert 8,024 AFY for irrigation of 2,241 acres from surface flow, or from Groundwater that is Hydrologically Connected to surface flow, within the Reservation in the Beaver Creek Basin.

  • Hydrologically Connected Areas within the District are illustrated in Figure 3 and described in Exhibit F and on file in the District office.

  • Subject to the requirements set forth in Article IV, the water rights set forth in Section G.4.a. of this Article III may be diverted from Groundwater that is not Hydrologically Connected to surface water at any point by any means within the Reservation.

  • The Tribes have the right to develop Groundwater that is Hydrologically Connected to surface water within the quantification limits for surface water provided in Sections A., B., C., D., and E.

  • The Tribes have the right to the surface water and Groundwater that is Hydrologically Connected to surface water that remains in the Peoples Creek Basin within the Reservation after satisfaction of water rights Arising Under State Law set forth in Appendix 3.

More Definitions of Hydrologically Connected

Hydrologically Connected means the process whereby defined surface areas and/or subsurface areas drain to common points or regions under natural conditions.
Hydrologically Connected means the interconnection of groundwater and surface water such that

Related to Hydrologically Connected

  • Geologically hazardous areas means areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake, or other geological events, are not suited to the siting of commercial, residential, or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns.

  • Behind The Meter Generation shall refer to a generation unit that delivers energy to load without using the Transmission System or any distribution facilities (unless the entity that owns or leases the distribution facilities has consented to such use of the distribution facilities and such consent has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Office of the Interconnection); provided, however, that Behind The Meter Generation does not include (i) at any time, any portion of such generating unit’s capacity that is designated as a Generation Capacity Resource; or (ii) in an hour, any portion of the output of such generating unit that is sold to another entity for consumption at another electrical location or into the PJM Interchange Energy Market.

  • Wildlife habitat means a surface water of the state used by plants and animals not considered as pathogens, vectors for pathogens or intermediate hosts for pathogens for humans or domesticated livestock and plants.

  • Balcony means a cantilevered deck that projects from a wall of a building and which, except for a railing, is not enclosed; (Bylaw 5609)

  • Open burning means the combustion of any material without the following characteristics:

  • Sewer System means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, vehicles, vessels, conveyances, injection wells, and all other constructions, devices, and appliances appurtenant thereto used for conducting sewage or industrial waste or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal or disposal to any water of the state. To the extent that they are not subject to section 402 of the federal Water Pollution Control Act, ditches, pipes, and drains that serve only to collect, channel, direct, and convey nonpoint runoff from precipitation are not considered as sewer systems for the purposes of this part of this division.

  • Project site, where applicable, means the place indicated in bidding documents.