Truancy definition
Truancy means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which the school attendance officer, prin- cipal or teacher has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil, and also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of s. 118.15.
Truancy means ten or more cumulative unexcused absences that count toward truancy of a student between the ages of six and sixteen as determined by the Board’s Attendance Policy and Regulation pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6(a)4.iii. and the definition of school day pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3. Any absence not listed in C.2. above shall be an unexcused absence counted toward truancy.
Truancy means unexcused absence from school. However, there is an important distinction between a student who is truant and one who is chronically truant. A student displays truant behavior with a single unexcused absence from school, but a student needs to reach or surpass a certain number of unexcused absences to be considered chronically truant. Virginia law does not define a truant specifically but does define a child who is habitually and without justification absent from school as a "child in need of supervision" when certain other conditions are met.
Examples of Truancy in a sentence
Truancy is therefore a serious issue and will be dealt with in a serious manner by the school and district.
Truancy Unexcused absence from school (truancy) is not acceptable.
The Board will review and, if appropriate, revise the Truancy Plan at least once every two (2) years.
Truancy exists when a student is absent from class or school without school authorization.
Contractor shall employ sufficient social work staff to adequately serve all social work referrals and matters, including, but not limited to, those involving MPS Administrative Policy 8.14, Truancy, attached here to and incorporated herein by reference as Appendix G.
More Definitions of Truancy
Truancy means 10 or more cumulative unexcused student absences, as determined by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6(a)3 and the definition of a school day, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3.
Truancy means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which the school attendance officer or principal has not been notified on the valid or acceptable cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent student, and also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of the state attendance statutes (§118.15). “Habitual Truant” means a student who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse, based on the district attendance policies, for part or all of 5 or more days on which school is held during a school semester.
Truancy means ten or more cumulative unexcused absences that count toward truancy of a student between the ages of six and sixteen as determined by the Board’s Attendance Policy and Regulation pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6(a)4.iii. and the definition of school day pursuant to
Truancy means the act of accruing one or more unexcused absences.
Truancy means any absence for part or all of one or more school days during which the school has NOT been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent/guardian of the absent student. Truancy also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of the compulsory attendance law. Parent/guardian notification of legal cause of absence shall be
Truancy means ten or more cumulative unexcused absences that count toward truancy of a student between the ages of six and sixteen as determined by the Board’s Attendance Policy and Regulation pursuant to
Truancy means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which the school attendance secretary or principal has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil.