Examples of Identity attribute in a sentence
For example, “Dmm”.• <ComponentIdentifier>: For IVI-COM and IVI.NET, the string returned by a specific driver’s Component Identity attribute.
For example, “Dmm”. <ComponentIdentifier>: For IVI-COM and IVI.NET, the string returned by a specific driver’s Component Identity attribute.
Me & My World Homepage Opinions Page Me Page Identity attribute (eg.
A representation of the data with pixel-oriented glyphs of the Dominant Identity attribute in the Projection View.
Two of those approaches are described next, along with the DP implications: Identity attribute approach: The override authority can endorse the specific request, and the binding of the authority’s identity attributes in the endorsement to the request will result in a decision to grant access.
Because the Domi- nant Identity attribute has a small contribution to the distance function we are using, it can be used as a label for each simulation in this context.
For example, “Dmm”.• <ComponentIdentifier>: For IVI-COM and IVI.NET, the string returned by a specific driver’sComponent Identity attribute.
For example, “Dmm”. <ComponentIdentifier>: For IVI-COM and IVI.NET, the string returned by a specific driver’sComponent Identity attribute.
They began by representing the data with pixel- oriented glyphs of the Dominant Identity attribute in the Projection View (see Fig.
Be- cause the Dominant Identity attribute has a small contribution to the distance function we are using, it can be utilized as a label for each simulation in this context.In Figure 4, analysts observed that runs that more prominently fea- ture Buddhist (red) or Thai Ethnic groups (light purple) as the Domi- nant Identity are clustered on the right side, whereas runs that more prominently feature the Red Shirts (dark purple) or Yellow Shirts (pink) are clustered on the left.