Examples of Impaired water bodies in a sentence
Impaired water bodies are water quality limited segments listed under CWA 303(d) listings.
A list of these water bodies are given in TCEQ Impaired water bodies list (303 D) which can be downloaded from the TCEQ website on TWQILIQ.
Impaired water bodies in the Carlsbad watershed include San Marcos Creek and Lake San Marcos.
Impaired water bodies are included on the Section 303(d) list and water cleanup plans or total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) must be developed to bring the water body back into compliance.
Impaired water bodies (without a TMDL) are listed as Category 5 in Appendix A of LDEQ’s most recent Integrated Report (IR), located at: http://deq.louisiana.gov/page/water-quality-integrated-report-305b303d.
Impaired water bodies (without a TMDL) are listed as Category 5 in Appendix A of LDEQ’s most recent Integrated Report (IR), located at: http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/portal/DIVISIONS/WaterPermits/WaterQualityAssessment/ WaterQualityInventorySection305b.aspx.
Student FTE is tied into finances, with 100 students equaling about $1 million in E&G funds.
Impaired water bodies from the 2004 Little Calumet and Portage Burns Waterway TMDL for E.
Impaired water bodies are placed in Category 4c if the impairment is not caused by a pollutant but rather caused by pollution, such as flow alteration or habitat alteration.
These waters are placed on the Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments (also known as the list of Impaired water bodies).