Impaired waters definition

Impaired waters means those surface waters of the state designated by the commissioner as impaired pursuant to Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and as identified in the most recent State of Connecticut Integrated Water Quality Report.
Impaired waters means any segment of surface waters that has been identified by the Division as failing to support classified uses. The Division periodically compiles a list of such waters known as the 303(d) List.
Impaired waters means those streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries and other water bodies that currently do not meet their designated use classification and associated water quality standards under the Clean Water Act.

Examples of Impaired waters in a sentence

  • Impaired waters include both waters with approved or established TMDLs, and those for which a TMDL has not yet been approved or established.

  • Impaired waters include both waters with approved or established TMDLs, and those for which a TMDL has not yet been approved or established.Industrial Activity – the 10 categories of industrial activities included in the definition of “storm water discharges associated with industrial activity” as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i)-(ix) and (xi).Industrial Storm Water – storm water runoff from industrial activity.

  • Visual monitoring, Coal pile monitoring, Impaired waters monitoring, Numeric monitoring for Sectors: C, D, E, K, L, & O and Benchmark monitoring requirements begin the first full quarter following the date of discharge authorization and must be conducted on a quarterly basis.

  • Refer to the yellow column of the Monitoring comparison chart and the Impaired waters monitoring flowchart.

  • Impaired waters are those that do not meet applicable water quality standards and are listed in the latest Clean Water Act 303(d) list or in the latest Texas Integrated Report Index of Water Quality Impairments.

More Definitions of Impaired waters

Impaired waters means surface waters identified as impaired on the 2012 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report.
Impaired waters means those water bodies or water body segments that are not fully supporting or
Impaired waters means any segment of surface waters that has been identified by the Division as failing to support one or more of its designated uses. The Director periodically compiles a list of such waters known as the 303(d) List.
Impaired waters means waters included on the 303(d) list for nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment.
Impaired waters means any segment of surface waters that has been identified by the TDEC as failing to support classified uses. TDEC periodically compiles a list of such waters known as the 303(d) List.
Impaired waters or “IW” means those “waters of the Commonwealth” that have been categorized by the Division of Water as impaired for applicable designated uses and have been identified pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1315(b) and listed in the most recently approved 305(b) report.
Impaired waters means those water bodies or water body segments that are not fully supporting or are partially supporting of the fishable and swimmable goals of the Clean Water Act and include those waters identified as impaired according to subdivision C 1 of § 62.1-44.19:5 of the Code of Virginia.