Examples of Implementation Legislation in a sentence
The employer will report the agreements in the redundancy plan to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW)), Directorate Implementation Legislation Employment Conditions (Uitvoeringstaken Arbeidsvoorwaardenwetgeving (UAW)) as CA arrangements.
The Minister will recommend the Implementation Legislation to Parliament only if the MMF supports the proposed legislation.
The recognition of the Manitoba Métis’ right to self-determination and its inherent right of self-government is not contingent on Canada’s recognition, agreement, the signing of this Agreement, or the enactment of the Implementation Legislation (subpara.
The Minister will consult with the MMF during the drafting of the Implementation Legislation.
The Minister will, on a timely basis following ratification of the Treaty by MMF, and subject to paragraphs 47 and 48, recommend Implementation Legislation to Parliament to approve, ratify, give effect to, declare valid and give the force of law to the Treaty.
The provision for EIT is based on the estimated taxable income for PRC taxation purposes at 15% for the current period (six months ended 30 June 2021: 15%) pursuant to the Law of the PRC on Enterprise Income Tax and Implementation Legislation (the “EIT Law”).
First of all, it does not expressly provide for full 5 Chapter 3 of the South African Implementation Legislation of the Rome Statute, on the Functioning, Privileges and Immunities of the Court in South Africa, provides as follows:Seat of the Court in Republic;6.
The provision for PRC Enterprise Income Tax is based on the estimated taxable income for PRC taxation purposes at 15% (six months ended 30 June 2011: 25%) pursuant to the Law of the PRC on Enterprise Income Tax and Implementation Legislation.
Implementation Legislation yang dibentuk Filipina didasarkan pada Republic Act No.9851 – Act Defining and Penalizing Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity, Organizing Jurisdiction, Designating Special Courts, and for Related Purpose atau Undang-Undang Filipina tentang Kejahatan terhadap Hukum Humaniter Internasional, Genosida, dan Kejahatan Lain Terhadap Kemanusiaan, Mengatur Yurisdiksi, Menunjuk Pengadilan Khusus, dan Untuk Tujuan Terkait.
Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office Treaties Verification Development Implementation Technical Support Policy Development Implementation Legislation Regulatory Activities SeCtIon 3 Outcomes and Outputs Structure oVe RVIeW oF ASno FIgURE 4: ASNO’S OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS STRUCTURE Outcome 1: Australian and international security protected and advanced through activities which contribute to effective regimes against the proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons.