Examples of UK Bail-in Legislation in a sentence
Include “the Relevant UK Bail-in Party” where the liabilities of both parties under the Agreement may be subject to bail-in under the UK Bail-in Legislation.
Include “the other UK Bail-in Party” where the liabilities of both parties under the Agreement may be subject to bail-in under the UK Bail-in Legislation.
Include “each UK Bail-in Party” where the liabilities of both parties under the Agreement may be subject to bail-in under the UK Bail-in Legislation.
Include “[ UK bail-in party] and [UK bail-in party] (each a “UK Bail-in Party”)” where the liabilities of both parties under the Agreement may be subject to bail-in under the UK Bail-in Legislation.
Include “a UK Bail-in Party (“ Relevant UK Bail-in Party”) to the other UK Bail-in Party” where the liabilities of both parties under the Agreement may be subject to bail-in under the UK Bail-in Legislation.