Examples of Import substitution in a sentence
It is not critical that the brake be sufficient to hold the dump frame in place at intermediate angles, since it is expected that the operator will have no need to stop mid-rotation.
Keeping in line with our national policy i.e. Innovation, Import substitution, and AatmaNirbhar Bharat, your Company has developed several new products, in-house through its strong and highly interactive R&D team which is well equipped with the latest testing instruments, including the TGA test instrument.
Table 4: Substitution of declining African meat imports from the EU (absolute changes relative to BAU 2030) Change in 1 000 t LSMAX NITR NCOMBIEUSubstitutionEUSubstitutionNotes: Import substitution of the decline in meat imports from the EU by imports from other regions and African production for serving domestic demand (in bold).Source: CAPRI model results.
Import substitution usually is associated with protectionism – the idea is to protect domestic non-competitive industries with trade barriers, so that they could withstand the competition with imported goods and eventually increase their competitiveness and efficiency.
Import substitution can be achieved both with import taxes or with an under-valued exchange rate.
Import substitution had only partially been attained in durable consumer, intermediate, and capital goods.
Import- substitution policies aimed to increase the local benefits of these resources, restricting FDI.
Import substitution of ride components has yielded a yearly saving of about ` 38 Lakhs.
The concept Import substitution occurs when the government of a country encourages the use of locally made goods and services rather than imported ones.
For example, if there is a very long 2 Import substitution companies, according to Bancomext.operation amounting to US$50 million that needs a 7-year term, we will seek to enter together with other banks by syndicating the operation and could assume the longest segment.” Gráfico Nº8.