Imported Coal definition
Examples of Imported Coal in a sentence
Additional cost due to supply through alternate source including the inland logistics cost of Imported Coal shall be borne by the Purchaser.
In case the Seller is not in a position to supply the Scheduled Quantity (SQ) of Coal from such sources as indicated in Schedule I, the Seller shall have the option to supply the balance quantity of Coal from alternate source, including Imported Coal.
It is expressly clarified that the Base Price of Imported Coal shall be declared by the Seller/ CIL from time to time.
The Side Agreement dealing with the terms and conditions for supply of Imported Coal would be an integral part of this Agreement.
Having examined the Bid Documents No. NPL/Alt Coal/2021-22/055 including its revisions/ Amendments/ Addenda/ Corrigenda and Clarifications if any (Insert Numbers), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we the undersigned, offer Non-Coking Coal under the above- named Package: "Supply of Up to 10.0 Lakh Metric Tons Non-Coking Imported Coal for Nabha Power Limited" in full conformity with the Base parameter specifications at Clause.
Ms. Anderson stated the Public Works Department has been looking to purchase a used dump truck.
In the event of supplier's continuous unsatisfactory performance over a period to supply the requisite quantity of imported coal, MMTC, giving a 10 days’ notice to the supplier in writing may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, Imported Coal of similar specification to the extent of undelivered Imported Coal, and supplier shall be liable to MMTC/CIL for any excess costs for such similar Imported Coal.
In case the Seller is not in a position to supply the Scheduled Quantity (SQ) of Coal from such sources indicated in Schedule II, the Seller shall have the option to supply the balance quantity of Coal from alternate source, including Imported Coal.
It is expressly clarified that the Base Price in relation to the Indigenous coal and Imported Coal shall be notified/ declared by the Seller/ CIL, as the case may be from time to time.
In the event, the Purchaser declines to consider Seller’s offer on Imported Coal, it shall not be considered as Purchaser’s default under this Agreement.