Improvement status definition

Improvement status means the status on which a program is placed after three consecutive years of NCLEX® results below the 95 percent of the national NCLEX® passing percentage.

Examples of Improvement status in a sentence

  • However, the obligation of the District to provide transportation for a NCLB-PSC student to [charter school] shall end in the event the NCLB-PSC student’s resident District school exits Program Improvement status.

  • Seven of the nine local traditional elementary schools are in Program Improvement status; four received the lowest state rank of 1-3 (two primary centers also serve the community and do not have API data since they do not serve 2nd grade or higher).

  • This school was chosen because the student demographics are the target population for Celerity Schools and most of the feeder schools are in Program Improvement status.

  • In 2010, 13 of the District’s 18 schools were rated at Turnaround or Priority Improvement status.

  • If a school falls into the bottom 5% again, they will immediately be placed back into Comprehensive Support and Improvement status and subject to the more rigorous interventions.

  • BIE funded schools will remain in their previous Comprehensive Support and Improvement status for 2020-2021.

  • Of the 34 schools in Virginia designated as in need of improvement in 2002–03, 23 schools failed to make AYP during their Year One on School Improvement status and moved into Year Two status.244 In Year Two, these schools were required to provide tutoring and other supplemental educational services to students, in addition to public school choice.

  • Almost all of the residents are of Somali ethnicity, speak Somali, and embrace Islam.

  • Since then, Sanger has demonstrated remarkable improvement, growing from 599 to 805 on the state’s Academic Performance Index (API).2 Eleven of 13 elementary schools now boast a school API above 800, including three that have emerged from a fourth year of Program Improvement status to earn the California Distinguished School Award.

  • Table ThreeSchool Type by School Improvement Status School TypeTotal Number of School TypeNumber of School Type Not In SIThe difference between middle and high schools and the other types of schools is also seen when the analysis focuses on School Improvement status.

Related to Improvement status

  • Permanent status means the state or condition achieved by an employee in the classified service who has successfully completed an initial probationary period or a probationary period required following reinstatement, or whose probationary period is waived through specific statutory direction.

  • Needs Improvement the Educator’s performance on a standard or overall is below the requirements of a standard or overall, but is not considered to be unsatisfactory at this time. Improvement is necessary and expected. Unsatisfactory: the Educator’s performance on a standard or overall has not significantly improved following a rating of needs improvement, or the Educator’s performance is consistently below the requirements of a standard or overall and is considered inadequate, or both.

  • Home improvement contractor or "contractor" means a person who sells goods and services, or agrees to furnish or render services, to a retail buyer pursuant to a home improvement installment contract, or sells goods and services to a retail buyer pursuant to a home improvement charge agreement, but not in connection with construction of new homes.

  • Minimum Improvements means the acquisition of land and construction of a 152-unit market rate residential apartment building, construction of a stormwater pond and related improvements. The Minimum Improvements are more fully depicted in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

  • Improvements means the buildings, structures, improvements, and alterations now constructed or at any time in the future constructed or placed upon the Land, including any future replacements and additions.

  • Outpatient status means, with respect to a covered servicemember who is a current member of the Armed Forces, the status of a member of the Armed Forces assigned to:

  • Substantial improvement means any combination of repairs, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, taking place during any one-year period for which the cost equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures which have incurred “substantial damage”, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either:

  • Substantial Completion means the stage in the progress of the work as determined and certified by the Contracting Officer in writing to the Contractor, on which the work (or a portion designated by the Government) is sufficiently complete and satisfactory. Substantial completion means that the property may be occupied or used for the purpose for which it is intended, and only minor items such as touch-up, adjustments, and minor replacements or installations remain to be completed or corrected which:

  • Public improvement means projects for construction, reconstruction or major renovation on real property by or for a public agency. “Public Works” shall mean roads, highways, buildings, structures and improvement of all types, the construction, reconstruction, major renovation or painting of which is carried on or contracted for by any public agency to serve the public interest by does not include the reconstruction or renovation of privately owned property which is leased by a public agency.

  • Substantial Completion Date means the required date for Substantial Completion of the Project. The Substantial Completion Date can be adjusted only by written Change Order.