Examples of Improvement status in a sentence
Only students in a Title I funded building (Targeted Assistance or School- wide) in School Improvement status who are from low-income families are eligible for Supplemental Edu- cational Services.
A list of all schools to be included in the charter system, including new schools or college and career academies that will be formed throughout the life of the charter, with an indication of which existing schools are currently in Needs Improvement status.
An LEA that receives Title III funds and is in Title III Improvement status must post their Improvement Plan in the California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS) at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ca/.
If a Title I school is identified as Program Improvement a letter is sent out to parents informing them of Program Improvement status.
DAIT High Leverage Items The school informs parents of district Program Improvement status through the use of parent letters and meetings such as SSC and ELAC.
Seven of the nine local traditional elementary schools are in Program Improvement status; four received the lowest state rank of 1-3 (two primary centers also serve the community and do not have API data since they do not serve 2nd grade or higher).
Support for schools and districts in Program Improvement status has also become a high priority.
This school was chosen because the student demographics are the target population for Celerity Schools and most of the feeder schools are in Program Improvement status.
Escalation in levels of Needs Improvement status shall be based on the school’s failure to make AYP in the same subject for two or more consecutive years.
A school that makes AYP for one year will also remain in its existing Needs Improvement status for the following year.