Inappropriate matter as defined by the district means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes, the district’s mission and goals.1
Inappropriate matter as defined by the district, means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes and the district’s vision, mission and goals, as determined by the district.
Inappropriate matter means pornographic or indecent material as defined in Subsection 76-10-1253(1)(a).
Examples of Inappropriate matter in a sentence
Inappropriate matter includes, but is not limited to, visual, graphic, text and any other form of obscene, child pornographic, or other material that is harmful to minors, hateful, illegal, defamatory, lewd, vulgar, profane, rude, inflammatory, threatening, harassing, violent, bullying, and terroristic.
Inappropriate matter includes, but is not limited to, visual, graphic, text and any other form of obscene, sexually explicit, child pornographic, or other material that is harmful to minors, hateful, illegal, defamatory, lewd, vulgar, profane, rude, inflammatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory (as political beliefs, receipt of financial aid, or disability), violent, bullying, terroristic, and advocates the destruction of property.
More Definitions of Inappropriate matter
Inappropriate matter. : means pornographic or indecent material as defined in Utah Code §76-10-1235 (1)(a).
Inappropriate matter as defined by the ESD, means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes, the ESD’s mission and goals.5
Inappropriate matter as defined by the district, means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes,
Inappropriate matter as defined by the ESD means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes and the ESD’s vision, mission and goals, as determined by the ESD.
Inappropriate matter as defined by EHS, means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes, EHS’s vision, mission and goals, as determined by EHS.1
Inappropriate matter as defined by the district, means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes, the district's mission and goa1ls.
Inappropriate matter as defined by the school, means material that is inconsistent with general public education purposes, the school’s mission and goals.1