Incineration at sea definition

Incineration at sea means the deliberate combustion of wastes or other matter on marine incineration facilities for the purpose of their thermal destruction. Activities incidental to the normal operation of vessels, platforms or other man-made structures are excluded from the scope of this definition.
Incineration at sea means the combustion on board a vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea of wastes or other matter for the purpose of their deliberate disposal by thermal destruction.
Incineration at sea means the combustion on board a vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea of wastes or other matter for the purpose of their deliberate disposal by thermal destruction; but does not include the incineration of wastes or other matter on board a vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea if such wastes or other matter were generated during the normal operation of the vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea – and "to incinerate" and "incinerated" have corresponding meanings;

Examples of Incineration at sea in a sentence

  • Incineration at sea shall in no way be interpreted as discouraging progress towards environmentally better solutions including the development of new techniques.

  • Incineration at sea of wastes or other matter not referred to in paragraphs (1) and (3) of this Regulation shall be subject to a general permit.

  • Incineration at sea of wastes or other matter referred to in paragraph 10 of Annex I and paragraph E of Annex II, other than those referred to in paragraph (1) of this Regulation, shall be controlled to the satisfaction of the Contracting Party issuing the special permit.

  • Incineration at sea" means the deliberate combustion of wastes or other matter on marine incineration facilities for the purpose of their thermal destruction.

  • Incineration at sea (this operation is prohibited by EU legislation and international conventions)D12.

More Definitions of Incineration at sea

Incineration at sea means the deliberate combustion of wastes or other matter in the maritime waters of the Mediterranean Sea, with the aim of thermal destruction and does not include activities incidental to the normal operations of ships or aircraft.
Incineration at sea means the combustion on board a vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea of wastes for the purpose of their deliberate disposal by thermal destruction, but does not include the incineration of wastes on board a vessel, platform, or other man-made structure at sea if such wastes were generated during the normal operation of that vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea;
Incineration at sea means the combustion on board a vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea of wastes or other matter for the purpose of their deliberate disposal by thermal destruction. 5.1 「海洋における焼却」とは、廃棄物その他の物を船舶又はプラットフォームその他の人工海洋構築物の上で熱分解によって故意に処分する目的で燃焼させることをいう。 .2 "Incineration at sea" does not include the incineration of wastes or other matter on board a vessel, platform, or other man-made structure at sea if such wastes or other matter were generated during the normal operation of that vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea. .2 「海洋における焼却」には、船舶又はプラットフォームその他の人工海洋構築物の通常の運用の間に生ずる廃棄物その他の物を当該船舶又はプラットフォームその他の人工海洋構築物の上で焼却することを含まない。 6 "Vessels and aircraft" means waterborne or airborne craft of any type whatsoever. This expression includes air-cushioned craft and floating craft, whether self-propelled or not. 6 「船舶及び航空機」とは、種類のいかんを問わず、水上、水中又は空中を移動する機器(自動推進式であるか否かを問わず、エアクッション船及び浮遊機器を含む。)をい
Incineration at sea means the combustion on boar d a vessel, platform or oth e r man- ma de s tructure at se a of wa s tes for the p ur pose of th ei r deliberat e dispos a l by thermal destruction, but does not include th e i n ci n e rat io n of w a s t es o n bo ar d a ve sse l, p l at fo rm , o r o th e r man - ma de s tru c tur e at se a i f s u c h w a s t es we r e generated during the normal operation of that vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea;
Incineration at sea means the deliberate combustion of wastes or other matter on marine
Incineration at sea means the combustion on board a vessel, platform or other man‐ made structure at sea of wastes or other matter for the purpose of their deliberate disposal by thermal destruction. “Incineration at sea” does not include the incineration of wastes or other matter on board a vessel, platform, or other man‐made structure at sea if such wastes or other matter were generated during the normal operation of that vessel, platform or other man‐made structure at sea.
Incineration at sea means the combustion on board a vessel, platform or other man-made structure at sea of wastes or other matter for the purpose of their deliberate disposal by thermal destruction, other than wastes or matter generated during the normal operation of the vessel, platform or structure;