Examples of Normal Operations in a sentence
Students are required to wear face masks covering their nose and mouth, and follow social distancing guidelines, at all times in public settings (including classrooms and laboratories), as specifiedby Procedures for Fall 2020 Return to Normal Operations.
Normal Operations with the following considerations: Heightened awareness of PPE for employees in Sewer Maintenance and WRA Divisions.
These activities should be identified on the Abbreviated IHP as “COVID-19 Respond 2020-X Maintaining Normal Operations Impacted by COVID-19 National Emergency” in the drop-down menu.
However, lower numbers may be determined to be necessary on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the activity, the arrangement and size of supporting infrastructure (stage, chairs, etc.) and other factors: Normal Operations: The number of visitors in the following indoor locations may not exceed the maximum occupancy identified for each location.
Refer to Policy and Procedure: Recover-Return to Normal Operations Refer to Policy and Procedure: Continuity of Operations Plan in EP Additional Preparedness Planning Tasks for Pandemic Events 1.