s/ T Sample Clauses
s/ T. If t h e e m p l o y e e h a s n ot m a d e h i s s e l e c t i o n by T h e t h i r d p e r s o n a l h o l i d a y s h a l l be t a k e n b e t w e e n A u g u s t 1st a n d O c t o b e r 3 1 s t . If t he e m p l o y e e h a s not m a d e h i s s e l e c t i o n b y S e p t e m b e r 1st , t he C o m p a n y s h a l l a s s i g n t he p e r s o n a l h o l i d a y w i t h n o t l e s s t h a n t w o w e e k s n o t i c e . T h e f o u r t h p e r s o n a l h o l i d a y , w h e r e a p p l i c a b l e , s h a l l be t a k e n b e t w e e n N o v e m b e r 1st a n d D e c e m b e r 3 1 s t . If t h e e m p l o y e e h as n o t m a d e h i s s e l e c t i o n b y N o v e m b e r 1st, t h e C o m p a n y s h a l l a s s i g n th e p e r s o n a l h o l i d a y w i t h n o t l e s s t h a n t w o w e e k s n o t i c e . WI LK ES - B AR RE E M PL OY EE S LOCAL 72 A r t i c l e X I I - H o l i d a y s ( c o n t ' d . ) S e c t i o n 1 ( c o n t ' d .) .
s/ T. If typing, you can type over the boxes. Please note that this form has not been designed for typewriter use. 00 XXXXX XX X Where applicable placea cross like this in theappropriate boxes. This agreement is not valid unless the payee has an ABN For this agreement to be valid the payee must be an individual. The payee must indicate at Part C on the form which rate of withholding is to apply to payments made under this agreement. The rate of withholding is notified at Part C of the form and it will be either the payee’s instalment rate or a flat rate of 20%. The payer then withholds at that rate from the gross amount payable after deducting any goods and services tax (GST) charged. The payee’s instalment rate is a percentage figure normally used to calculate PAYG instalments. TheATOwill generally notify payees of their instalment rates early in the financial year beginning 1 July 2000. For the purpose of voluntary agreements, the instalment rate used must be the rate notified by the ATO – this is called the Commissioner’s Instalment Rate (CIR). The payee must disclose to the payer their CIR or state that they do not have one. If the payee’s CIR is greater than 20%, the payer must withhold at the payee’s CIR. If the payee’s CIR is less than or equal to 20%, the rate the payer must withhold will be 20%, unless the payee and payer agree that the payee’s CIR will apply. If the payee’s CIR is not known at the time of the agreement, then the flat rate of 20%applies. When the payee is first advised of their CIR, or advised of a new CIR, they may need to enter into a new agreement after considering the rules. They must terminate the current agreement before entering into a new one. For this agreement to be valid both parties to the agreement must identify the nature of the work to which the payments relate and must sign and date the agreement.
s/ T. The Employer shall supply a dues check-off list to the Union on a basis with notations as to new hires and terminations. Employees, excepting those employees who have parallel coverage in another Group, are required as a condition of employment to be insured under the Benefits Plans set out in this Article
s/ T. Ritson Ferguson -------------------- T. Ritson Ferguson Xrxxxxx
s/ T. P.P. The Board and the Employee shall make the required contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (O.M.E.R.S.) or Teacher’s Pension Plan (T.P.P.) on behalf of each eligible and participating Employee, according to the terms and conditions of each Plan
s/ T. E. Xxxx --------------------------------- T. E. Xxxx, Xxesident
s/ T. Philips Early College High School 0000 XXXXX 2018-2019 CAMPUS RATING Org. # Org. Name Information as of 3/28/2020 Met A STATISTICAL DATA: CAMPUS DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: Student Membership 332.00 Socio-Economic Census Block Data 19-20 Pre-K Membership - # Students in Block 1 87 Band Members - # Students in Block 2 70 Calculation of ADA: # Students in Block 3 73 = Student Membership 332.00 # Students in Block 4 76 Less 1/2 of Pre-K Membership - Total # of Students 306 = Funded Membership 332.00 x Estimated Attendance % (Final for 18-19) 95.23% Campus Average Census Score 2.45 = Average Daily Attendance for Funding 316.16 Intensity of Poverty Index 50% CAMPUS STAFFING - by District Guidenlines: Supplemental WEIGHTED STUDENT LOCAL FUNDING DATA: Authorized FTE's Local Other Total Local Estimated Budget Per ADA Estimated Tier I/II Revenue Per ADA $ 7,292 $ 7,953 Administrative 4.50 2.33 6.83 0.00 Support Personnel 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 Teachers 15.50 0.00 15.50 0.00 Attendance YTD Seasonality Est. Attendance Total 24.00 2.33 26.33 1.00 District Goal 94.00% NOTE: Excludes Campus Custodians which are department assigned. Student:Teacher 21.42 Student:Total Staff 12.61 2017-2018 95.80% 2018-2019 95.23% 0.00% 95.23% Projected ADA for funding (measured each 6-weeks) 316.16 SB 1882 INITIATIVES International Baccalaureate - Teacher Leader Stipends - Extra / Extended Day Pay - Net Cost of Trades / Other - Management Fee Calculation (per ADA/Total) $532 $168,199 Campus Supplemental FTE's - Detail on pg 2 (FLEXIBLE) Campus Supplemental Expenditures (Non-FTE Costs) = Remaining SB 1882 Revenue Available Remaining Revenue Available for Campus SB1882 Discretionary $41,906 $0 - Projected for this School Yr 0 Base + Fringe Stipend Total Suppl Stipend Cost ONLY $0 - 17,622 17,622 1,740,517 Regular Program Allotment (Excl CATE & Sp Ed) 316.16 5,505 11,439 Bilingual Education Allotment (5%-10%-15% Weight) 15.00 36 350,073 Compensatory Education Allotment 228.00 1,107 - Early Education Allotment - - 250,727 Career & Technology Allotment 39.00 793 17,007 Special Education Allotment - Mainstream & Res. Room 30.15 54 17,599 Special Education Allotment Self Contained 5.00 56 PROJECTED CAMPUS DIRECT LOCAL EXPENDITURES 1,637,188 Campus Payroll 64,625 Campus Personnel Stipends 18,600 Substitute Cost (10 Days for Each Teacher & Instructional Asst.) 15,888 Direct Campus Supplies & Other Operating Costs - by District Formula - Water - Campus Facility Expense from Prior Year (2) - Electricity - Campu...
s/ T on the Closing Date shall inure to the benefit of GW.
s/ T. Salary See also Remuneration