Examples of Independent analyst in a sentence
Independent analyst reports affect the value of the stock as much as press recommendations do.
Independent analyst Ned Cazalet says: "At the end of 2001, the spare capital not required to cover bonuses would have fallen to £100m without this adjustment - in other words there would have been no spare capital even allowing for the compromise deal." Equitable was able to make the adjustment by moving money out of equities and into fixed interest instruments, which pay a higher income.
Independent analyst assessment of websites including assessment of privacy information for intelligibility on readability indices;• 2.
Independent analyst forecasts for local and long distance services anticipate5 future declines in the average revenue per line for both local and long distance6 telecommunications services.
Independent analyst projections indicate only a tiny difference in 5G adoption levels between the merger and no-merger scenarios.93 Figure 8 below presents a recent analysis from analyst firm Strategy Analytics.
Independent analyst also carry out monitoring as and when the need arises.
Independent analyst firm Forester found that cross sales increased from 1.4 products per customer to 2.5 products per customer when video was added to the interaction, compared with audio- only capabilities.Video communication allows Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, an international architectural firm, to have more meaningful interactions with remoteclients.
The summary in the following chart is based on the Monetary Panel Committee (MPC) best collective judgement of the most likely path for inflation as published August 2017, Independent analyst published June 2017, compared to the increases included in the MTFS.
Independent analyst Farid Guliyev points out:94 Oil and gas exports have enriched the [ Azerbaijani] gov- ernment's coffers and contributed to regime stability, allow- ing the government – through patronage, public spending and rent-seeking – to buy public support and to keep the so- ciety immobilized and unorganized.[...] Petroleum has al- ready made the incumbent authorities rich and strong enough to pre-empt any challenge to their hold on power.
Independent analyst firm Wikibon has stated that the overall big data market reached $11.4 billion in 2012, ahead of Wikibon’s previous forecast.