Examples of Independent Panel of Experts in a sentence
Furthermore, following disclosure of ESIA v10, an Independent Panel of Experts was assembled by the company to provide an impartial view of the project to the public, the report of which has also been provided.
The Authority may appoint an Independent Panel of Experts, mutually constituted by the Authority and the Concessionaire, to be the independent consultant under this Agreement (the "Independent Panel").
The amount allocated under the three sub- components E1: Project Management Support and Audits (US$8.8 million); E2: Strengthening of WAPDA, Independent Panel of Experts and Technical Assistance (US$6.2 million); and E3: Pilots, Future Project Preparation and Strategic Studies (US$27.6 million) is to finance the continuation of the project management support, capacity building and training programs for WAPDA officials.
The carrying out by CSRP of a training program to assist the Participating Countries in their implementation of the Fish Catch Certification Scheme and their preparation of bilateral cooperation agreements, and the performance of periodic reviews and audits by an Independent Panel of Experts, of the fisheries surveillance activities financed under the Project.
Questionnaire for candidates to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights This Independent Panel of Experts was convened to evaluate whether each candidate complies with the criteria and requirements established by the American Convention on Human Rights, as well as by other relevant instruments; also to consider and make recommendations regarding processes for selecting and nominating candidates for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
A., Lanata, C., Lantagne, D., and Nair, B, “Final Report of the Independent Panel of Experts on the Cholera Outbreak in Haiti,” U.N. Commissioned Report, May 4, 2011.
The Urban Level of Flood Protection Criteria document requires review of the Professional Civil Engineer’s Report by an Independent Panel of Experts (IPE) in situations where flood management facilities are used to provide the urban level of flood protection to 500 or more residents.
To this end, the Recipient shall take all measures required on its part, including provision of all information required and access to all relevant sites, to enable the Independent Panel of Experts to conduct the audits required of them under and in the manner required pursuant to the Project Agreement.
As directed by the 10th meeting of the STCDSS, the updated version includes the recommendations of the ‘Report of the Independent Panel of Experts on Verification, Confirmation and Validation of the ASF Pledged Capabilities’, timelines, responsibilities, and indicators as well as aspects relating to the harmonisation of ACIRC with the ASF Framework and enhanced cooperation with the ad-hoc coalitions.
A., Lanata, C., Lantagne, D., and Nair, B, “Final Report of the Independent Panel of Experts on the Cholera Outbreak in Haiti,” U.N. Commissioned Report, May 4, 2011, p.8.