Independent Revenue Sharer definition

Independent Revenue Sharer means any Person who, in connection with a Member Manager’s entry into a management agreement with a Related Vehicle, is offered a Grant so long as (i) such Person is not an Affiliate of any Member, the Manager or any of their respective Affiliates, and (ii) none of any of the Members, the Manager or any of their respective Affiliates has any pecuniary interest (through contract, equity or debt interests or otherwise) in such Person or the Grant offered to such Person; provided, that “Independent Revenue Sharer” shall not include any Person who is offered a Grant in connection with the financing or recapitalization of the Manager.
Independent Revenue Sharer means any Person who, in connection with a Pine River Manager’s entry into a management agreement with a Public Vehicle (other than the Company), is offered a Grant so long as (i) such Person is not an Affiliate of Pine River Capital, the Manager or any of their respective Affiliates, and (ii) neither Pine River Capital, the Manager nor any of their respective Affiliates has any pecuniary interest (through contract, equity or debt interests or otherwise) in such Person or the Grant offered to such Person; provided, that “Independent Revenue Sharer” shall not include any Person who is offered a Grant in connection with the financing or recapitalization of the Manager.
Independent Revenue Sharer means any Person who, in connection with a Member Manager’s entry into a management agreement with a Related Vehicle, is offered a Grant so long as (i) such Person is not an Affiliate of any Member, the Manager or any of their respective Affiliates, and (ii) none of any of the Members, the Manager or any of their respective Affiliates has any pecuniary interest (through contract, equity or debt interests or otherwise) in such Person or the Grant offered to such Person; provided, that “Independent Revenue Sharer” shall not include any Person who is offered a Grant in connection with the financing or recapitalization of the Manager. “Interest Rate” means the current (as of the Termination Date) London Interbank Offered Rate as quoted by Citibank, N.A. (or any successor entity thereto) for interest periods of one year, plus 200 basis points per annum, compounding quarterly. “Investment Company Act” has the meaning set forth in the Management Agreement. “Investments” has the meaning set forth in Section 3(a)(iii) of this Agreement. “Management Agreement” has the meaning set forth in the Recitals to this Agreement. “Manager” has the meaning set forth in the Preamble to this Agreement. “Merger” has the meaning set forth in the Management Agreement. “Merger Agreement” has the meaning set forth in the Management Agreement. “Notice Date” has the meaning set forth in Section 9(c) of this Agreement. "Parties" has the meaning set forth in Section 32(a) of this Agreement. “Person” has the meaning set forth in the Management Agreement. “Real Estate Investment Trust” has the meaning set forth in the Management Agreement. “REIT” has the meaning set forth in the Preamble to this Agreement. “Services” has the meaning set forth in Section 3(a) of this Agreement. “Sub-Manager” has the meaning set forth in the Preamble to this Agreement. “Sub-Manager Base Management Fee” means a base management fee, calculated and paid (by wire transfer of immediately available funds) monthly in arrears, equal to 25% of the Base Management Fee earned by the Manager or its assignee under the Management Agreement during such month, net of any expenses that shall be the responsibility of the Manager pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Management Agreement or shall not otherwise be reimbursed to the Manager pursuant to the Management Agreement. “Sub-Manager Termination Fee” means a termination fee equal to 25% of the Termination Fee due payable to the Manager or its assignee under the Management Agreem...

Examples of Independent Revenue Sharer in a sentence

  • If the Manager proposes any Grant in connection with this Section 9(a), the Members will provide the Sub-Manager with all information and certifications reasonably requested by the Sub-Manager, including with respect to (x) whether the Person receiving the applicable Grant is an Independent Revenue Sharer and (y) the terms and conditions of the Grant.

  • If the Manager proposes any Grant in connection with this Section 9(a), Pine River Capital will provide the Sub-Manager with all information and certifications reasonably requested by the Sub-Manager, including with respect to (x) whether the Person receiving the applicable Grant is an Independent Revenue Sharer and (y) the terms and conditions of the Grant.

Related to Independent Revenue Sharer

  • Revenue Share means Government’s Share of Revenue.

  • Earn-Out Amount has the meaning set forth in Section 2.07(a).

  • Earn-Out Consideration is defined in Section 2.5(c).

  • Earn-Out Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(a).

  • Sublicense Revenue means any payments or other consideration that CTI actually receives from a Sublicensee as consideration for the grant of a Sublicense, including, without limitation, milestone payments, license fees, license maintenance fees and equity. Sublicense Revenue excludes (i) purchases of equity or debt of TGTX, (ii) payments made for GTX’s performance of any research, Development, or Commercialization of any Licensed Product, (iii) (b) royalties on Net Sales (or, in the case of a profit sharing deal structure, shares of net profits) which are covered in Section 5.9, and (iv) any payment or reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred by TGTX for filing, prosecution, maintenance, or defense of any DFCI Patents. In the event such consideration received from a Sublicensee is not cash, Sublicense Revenue shall be calculated by TGTX based on the fair market value of such consideration, at the time of the transaction, assuming an arm’s length transaction made in the odinary course of business.

  • Earnout Amount has the meaning set forth in Section 2.5.1b).

  • Earnout Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b).

  • Net Revenue means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Net Revenue” is synonymous with “Profit.”

  • Earnout Consideration has the meaning set forth in Section 2.6 below.

  • Earn-Out Statement has the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(c).

  • Gross Profit means the sum produced by adding to the “net profit” the amount of the Insured “standing charges”, or if there be no “net profit”, the amount of the Insured “standing charges” less such a proportion of any net trading loss as the amount of the Insured “standing charges” bears to all the “standing charges” of the business.

  • Delta Payment means as it is described in this Agreement.

  • Sublicense Revenues means all revenue, in whatever form but excluding sublicense royalties, earned by the Licensee in consideration of its granting a Third Party a sublicense to make a Licensed Product including, without limitation, receipt of annual milestone attainment, sublicense issuance, maintenance or up-front payments, or technology access fee; and issuance of securities or real, personal or intangible property.

  • Gross Revenue means:

  • Interim Payment has the meaning specified in Section 10.1.

  • Reconciliation Amount has the meaning given to it in paragraph 9.9 of Schedule 9.1 (Financial and Other Consequences of Change);

  • management expense ratio means the total fees and expenses a fund paid during a year divided by its average assets for that year.

  • Sales Milestone Payment shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.4.

  • Royalty Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Earn-Out Payments has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a).

  • Minimum Payment means the amount of minimum payment as stated in the Fee Schedule;

  • Earn-Out Period has the meaning set forth in Section 2.6.1.

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Project Revenue means all net rents, proceeds, revenue and other income derived by the City by virtue of any lease, sale, conveyance or other disposition of any part of the Project, plus all sums received by the City as a result of damage to or destruction or condemnation of the Project, but shall not mean any part of the Tax Revenue.

  • Earnout Period has the meaning set forth in Section 3.6(a).