Examples of Indirect benefit in a sentence
Indirect benefit, on the other hand, may be derived merely from the existence of content independent of direct use.
Table 4.1. Economic: Results of Sensitivity Analysis Economic Analysis Exclusive of Avoided GHG Emissions 27 Indirect benefit of CO2 emission reduction was not factored in the economic analysis.
Indirect benefit disbursements are those made from your organization’s funds to a separate and independent entity, such as a trust or insurance company, which in turn and under certain conditions will pay benefits to the covered individuals.
Key sources will be: Evaluations of similar delivery models to identify effectiveness rates and the best ways of measuring these. Indirect benefit estimation methods – using alternative methods to assess benefit streams if direct estimation methods are not applicable.
Indirect benefit: Indirect benefits are impact of EDI adoption on business practices and relationships of an organization.
IFRIC 11 pro- vides guidance on whether share-based transactions involving treasury shares or involving Group entities (for example, options over a parent’s shares) should be accounted for as equity-settled or cash-settled share-based payment transactions in the stand-alone accounts of the parent and Group companies.
Indirect benefit emission reduction value realized in assumption 1 38Figure 2.
Indirect benefit in biogas business is mainly savings from slurry.
Indirect benefit in having a publicly available statement of the City’s position and information about the spectrum of partners and services engaged in homelessness solutions and services. Human and Social Impact: Low.
Indirect benefit emission reduction value realized in assumption 1 Scenario 1 results in an indirect annual benefit of emission reduction in grams of pollutants between 29,781,505 grams and 42,698,711 grams, based on a certainty interval between 5 and 95 percentile with a mean reduction of 36,348,339 grams See Figure 1.