indirect connection definition

indirect connection means a connection to a device or network, which does not take place directly but rather as part of a larger system that is directly connectable to such device or network;
indirect connection a connection to receive Information from HKEX-IS’s computer
indirect connection means a building sewer connection that is not a direct connection and whose wastewater discharge shall, notwithstanding the passage in its normal course through other sewers or conduits, ultimately discharge in whole or in part through the NBC’s facilities.

Examples of indirect connection in a sentence

  • This Hosting Annex shall supplement and amend clauses 2 to 13, and the applicable Direct Connection Annex and/or Indirect Connection Annex as set out in Schedule 3, in the context of and only to the extent that Licensees receive Information sourced from HKEX Service Network (“HSN”) via a Direct Connection and/or Indirect Connection.

  • In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the paragraphs contained in this Hosting Annex and clauses 2 to 13 in relation to Information received from a Direct Connection and/or Indirect Connection, the paragraphs contained in this Hosting Annex shall prevail.

  • This Indirect Connection Annex shall supplement and amend clauses 2 to 13, in the context of and only to the extent that Licensees receive Information from an Indirect Connection, but not otherwise.

  • Direct Connection Licensee shall obtain approval from HKEX-IS before supplying a Datafeed with relevant Information sourced from HSN to the Indirect Connection Licensee’s computer information systems located at the Hosting Site.

  • If at any time that Direct Connection Licensee ceases to supply a Datafeed with relevant Information sourced from HSN to the Indirect Connection Licensee’s computer information systems located at the Hosting Site, the Direct Connection Licensee undertakes to immediately notify HKEX-IS in writing of the name of the Indirect Connection Licensee, details of the relevant Datafeed and the effective cessation date.

More Definitions of indirect connection

indirect connection means a waste pipe from a graywater treatment works that does not connect directly with the closed sewerage system, but that discharges into the closed sewerage system though an air break or air gap into a trap, fixture, receptor, or interceptor.
indirect connection means any connection of the Agency System into the Omaha System in which wastewater flows cannot be directly metered and are subject to a Bulk II Customer Charge as defined in Section 31-147(a)(7) of the Omaha Municipal Code.
indirect connection means secondary/ancillary access between two spaces which may include corridor access and in the case of the Learning Commons to Grand Commons may include a visual connection where one space overlooks and is open to the space below;
indirect connection means the connection if a building sewer to an extension of the Public Sewer which is installed and paid for by special assessment or private funds, which extension is, after construction, turned over to the Township and becomes part of the Public Sewer (i.e., if a developer constructs sanitary sewers in a plat and connects the sewer line to the Public Sewer, the connection of each lot in the plat would be an Indirect Connection).
indirect connection means the connection of a Building Drain or Service Line to a
indirect connection means the connection of a Building Sewer to a sewage collection system which is installed and paid for by special assessment or private funds, which sewage collection system is, after construction, turned over to the Township and becomes part of the System (e.g. if a developer constructs sanitary sewers in a plat and connects the sewer line to the System, the connection of each lot in the plat would be an Indirect Connection).