Indirect Ownership definition

Indirect Ownership means an interest in an entity that has direct or indirect ownership interest in the Applicant. The amount of indirect ownership in the Applicant that is held by any other entity is determined by multiplying the percentage of ownership interest at each level. An indirect ownership interest must be reported if it equates to an ownership interest of 5 percent or more in the Applicant.
Indirect Ownership means any profit or not-for-profit corporation, limited liability corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, sponsoring entity, or other form of legal entity with ownership interest in an affiliated organization or an indirect economic interest in the net residual value of the provider or both.
Indirect Ownership means any ownership interest in an entity that has an ownership interest in the applicant, including an ownership interest in any entity that has an indirect ownership interest in the applicant.

Examples of Indirect Ownership in a sentence

  • Indirect Ownership or Control Interest is determined by multiplying the percentage of ownership in each entity.

More Definitions of Indirect Ownership

Indirect Ownership means an organization's or individual's ownership of the Charter Capital or Share capital of Sacombank through Affiliated Persons or investment entrustment.
Indirect Ownership means an ownership interest in an entity that has an ownership interest in an entity.
Indirect Ownership means any ownership interest in a business entity that has an ownership interest in the applicant or licensee, including an ownership interest in any business entity that has an indirect ownership interest in the applicant or licensee.
Indirect Ownership generally means the taxpayer is considered to own any interest held by other related parties. An indirect ownership is taken into account at only one level. Consequently, an indirect ownership determined to belong to one person does not in turn belong to another person related to the first indirect owner.
Indirect Ownership means an equity interest in a business entity where the interest is held through a series of business entities, some of which own interests in others.
Indirect Ownership means an interest a person owns in an entity or in property solely as a result of application of constructive ownership rules without regard to any direct ownership interest (or other beneficial interest) in the entity or property. “Indirect ownership” shall be determined under the same rules applicable to determining whether a gain or loss between related parties is recognized for federal income tax purposes.
Indirect Ownership means an ownership interest in an entity that has an ownership interest in an entity.(gh) Newspaper notice means the placement of a prominently located, paid newspaper advertisement in the community bulletin section or similar local section of a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the brownfield site which is the subject of the notice. Such notice shall be in English and in any other language spoken by significant numbers of people within the community.(hi) Ownership means the possession of equity in the capital, the stock or the profits of anentity.(ij) Permanent cleanup or permanent remedy means a cleanup or remedy that wouldallow a site to be used for any purpose without restriction and without reliance on the long-term employment of institutional or engineering controls.(j(k) PRP Search means a search to identify potentially responsible parties (PRP) who may be legally liable for contamination at a particular property, including, but not limited to the current owner/operator, the owner/operator at the time of disposal of hazardous waste/substances, persons who arranged for the disposal or treatment of hazardous waste/substances, and persons who transported and chose the disposal location of hazardous waste/substances.(l) Renewable energy facility site shall mean real property that has a primary use for: (1) a renewable energy system, as defined in section sixty-six-p of the publicservice law; or(2) any co-located system storing energy generated from such a renewable energy system prior to delivering it to the bulk transmission, sub-transmission, or distribution system. Such facility shall be used primarily for energy generation. “Renewable energy facility site” shall not include real property that has a primary use for the production of fossil fuel-based energy.(m) Requestor means a person who has submitted an application to participate in the Brownfield Cleanup Program whose eligibility has not yet been determined by the department.(kn) Substantial Interest means ownership or indirect ownership of 10ten per centum ormore.(lo) Underutilized means, as of the date of application to the Brownfield CleanupProgram, real property on which no more than 50 percent of the permissible floor area of the building or buildings is certified by the applicant to have been used under the applicable base zoning for at least three years prior to the application, which zoning has been in effect for at least three years; and