Indirect definition

Indirect means to act or attempt to accomplish an act through an interest in a business association, through one or more affiliates or intermediaries, or by any method other than a direct approach, including by any circuitous or oblique method.
Indirect means the individual taxpayer owns an interest in a pass-through entity (or chain of pass- through entities) that sells the asset that gives rise to the qualifying gains receiving capital treatment.

Examples of Indirect in a sentence

  • Hourly Rates: Hourly rates are comprised of the following elements - Direct (Raw) Labor, Indirect Cost Rate, and Fee (Profit).

  • Non Central Draw Indirect Cost Rate-Monthly The State shall request funds once a month, such that they are deposited on the median day of the month.

  • The total budget for the above listed project activities is as follows: Description Budget (USD) Activities listed under Section A 32,710.00 Indirect Cost/Cost Recovery (7%) 2,290.00 The contribution of UNDP as the Contributing Agency will be transferred to ILO as recipient agency The Contributing Agency will not be responsible for any financial commitments or expenditure made by the Recipient Agency that exceeds the budget for the Activities.

  • Indirect costs identified according to Article 4.3 do not need to be supported by proof of expenditure.

  • Indirect costs of the project shall represent a fair apportionment of the overall overheads of the project promoter or the project partner.

More Definitions of Indirect

Indirect or “indirect interest” means an interest in which legal title is held by another as trustee or other representative capacity, but the equitable or beneficial interest is held by the person required to file under this part.
Indirect receipt of benefit means that the individual is passported if their partner is in receipt of a passporting benefit and the individual is included in the partner’s benefit claim. Since 5th December 2005, a same sex couple that is claiming state benefits is paid as a couple (prior to that date they were paid as two single people); this applies whether or not the couple have a registered civil partnership in accordance with the Civil Partnership Act 2004. Passporting arrangements will therefore apply to civil partners, married and cohabiting couples (including couples of the same sex). Where the individual is not included in their partner’s benefit claim (e.g. the individual is in prison, and the partner is being paid for by themselves and any child dependants alone) then the individual is not passported for funding purposes. In such cases the individual’s financial resources should be calculated and the partner’s income support included in the financial determination as a source of income for the couple.
Indirect means when referring to a holder or owner of shares, ownership of shares within the meaning of Section 958(a)(2) of the Code;
Indirect means any administrative charge made by a jurisdiction against System operations. Unless documented elsewhere in the Plan of Service, attach a description of the services received.
Indirect means access to criminal justice information, in oral, online or printed form, by an individual without approved DELJIS credentials for direct access.
Indirect means other than the primary application of heat.
Indirect means, when describing the illumination of a sign, external illumination from a source located away from the sign, which lights the sign, but which is itself not visible to persons viewing the sign from any street, sidewalk or adjacent property.