Joint Ownership definition

Joint Ownership. - (also known as equity JVs) means the establishment by two parent companies of a child company for a specific task within which both parent companies invest in order to overcome the limited capabilities vested within them in order that they can both benefit from the combined investment.
Joint Ownership means each party has the right to independently exercise any and all rights of ownership now known or here after created or recognized, including without limitation the rights to use, reproduce, modify and distribute the developments for any purpose, without the need for further authorization to exercise any such rights or any obligation of accounting or payment of royalties;
Joint Ownership. (also known as equity JVs) means the establishment by two parent companies of a child company for a specific task within which both parent companies invest in order to overcome the limited capabilities vested within them in order that they can both benefit from the combined investment. “Joint Venture” means two or more businesses joining together under a contractual agreement to conduct a specific business enterprise with both parties sharing profit and losses. “Licences” means conditional use of another party’s intellectual property rights. “Management” “in relation to an enterprise or business, means an activity inclusive of control, and performed on a daily basis, by any person who is a principal executive officer of the company, by whatever name that person may be designated, and whether or not that person is a director. “Non-firm Price(s)” means all price(s) other than “firm” price(s). “Organ of State” means a constitutional institution defined in the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999. “Person(s)” refers to a natural and/or juristic person(s). “Prime Bidder” means any person (natural or juristic) who forwards an acceptable proposal in response to this Request for Bid (RFB) with the intention of being the main contractor should the proposal be awarded to him/her. “Rand Value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand denomination, which is calculated at the time of proposal invitations and includes all applicable taxes and excise duties. “SMME” bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act No. 102 of 1996). “Sub-contracting” means the primary contractor’s assigning or leasing or making out work to, or employing another person to support such primary contractor in executing part of a project in terms of a contract. “Successful Bidder” means the organization or person with whom the order is placed or who is contracted to execute the work as detailed in the bid. “Trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another person. “Trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another person.

Examples of Joint Ownership in a sentence

  • Joint Ownership Two or more owners will own the policy as joint tenants with right of survivorship, unless otherwise requested on the application or in any subsequent assignment of the policy.

  • In the case of Joint Ownership, the "Age of Contract Owner" will be based on the older Joint Owner.

  • For joint inventions, NASA will typically agree, pursuant to a Joint Ownership Agreement, to refrain from exercising its undivided interest in a manner inconsistent with a recipient’s commercial interest.

  • Also include the portion of any exposure that meets the definition of residential mortgage exposure or statutory multifamily mortgage reported inSchedule RC, item 4.a, that is secured by collateral or has a guarantee that qualifies for the 100 percent risk weight.

  • In the event that the Parties do not conclude a Joint Ownership Agreement within 6 months from Termination, each joint owner may grant non-exclusive licences to third parties to exploit jointly-owned Results (without any right to sub-license), on the condition that the other joint owners are given: At least 45 days’ advance notice; and Fair and Reasonable Compensation.

More Definitions of Joint Ownership

Joint Ownership or “Jointly Owned” or “Jointly Own”. Joint Ownership or Jointly Owned or Jointly Owns means that each Party shall own a fifty percent (50%) undivided interest in the relevant Invention, Know-How or Patent Right.
Joint Ownership on pages 6 and 7. CONTRACT VALUE The sum of the Variable Account Contract Value and the Fixed Account Contract Value. CONTRACT YEAR Each year starting with either the Date of Issue or a Contract Anniversary.
Joint Ownership on pages 6 and 7. NON-QUALIFIED CONTRACT A Contract issued to fund a Non-Qualified Plan.
Joint Ownership and "Joint Owner", shall also mean "Certificate Agreement", "Certificate Owner", "Certificate Anniversary", "Joint Certificate Ownership" and "Joint Certificate Owner", respectively. To the extent any provisions contained in this rider are contrary to or inconsistent with those of the Contract to which it is attached, the provisions of this rider will control the Contract accordingly. The benefits described in this rider will cease upon termination of the Contract.
Joint Ownership means an undivided ownership shared by two or more persons other than a partnership. See MLIRD Resolution 2020-002.
Joint Ownership only if results are jointly generated results and it is impossible to determine the respective share of the work or to separate them for protection joint owners must reach an agreementRights of employees & third parties • Article 26 MGA
Joint Ownership means the City and the Contractor will both have full ownership of the orthogonal photos in untouched, uncompressed Tiff and RAW format and Joint Ownership of all photo sets derived from the orthogonal photos such as mosaics and image tiles in any format. Thus the City and the Contractor can sell or give away the orthogonal photos in the original format or any derivatives to any person, company, organization or government body that they will, without consultation of the other owner. Associated data, including metadata and camera calibration information shall not be sold or given away by the City.