indirectly. ’ means that, i f there is no heat source present in the room, heat can enter the room easily from a heated adjacent r oom ( e.g a dining r oom may not hav e a r adiator, but would receive heat from the heated living room through a large open archway).
indirectly as used in this section and section 8 below is intended to include any acts authorized or directed by or on behalf of the Employee or any Affiliate of the Employee.
indirectly shall cover only those situations where both the subsidiary and its investment are located in the territory of the same Contracting Party.
More Definitions of indirectly
indirectly. ’ means that, if there is no heat source present in the room, heat can enter the room easily from a heated adjacent room (e.g a dining room may not have a radiator, but would receive heat from the heated living room through a large open archway).
indirectly means that Executive will not assist others in performing business activities that Executive is prohibited from engaging in directly under this Agreement.
indirectly means that Participant shall not assist others in performing business activities that Participant is prohibited from engaging in directly under this Agreement.
indirectly or “indirectly interested” means that a family member, business, or other entity in which the individual or family member has a financial interest will receive compensation or benefits;
indirectly means allowing / permitting the service of or through a third party.
indirectly means an act done through an intermediary or intermediaries. Payments to sales agents or representatives which are passed on in whole or in part to purchasers, or compensation or reimbursement to persons in consideration for their acts, are examples of acts done through intermediaries.
indirectly means through any other person, including a company, trustee or immediate relative.