Individual Aircraft definition
Examples of Individual Aircraft in a sentence
Each Use of the Airport by an Individual Aircraft in violation of Section 75-38 shall constitute a separate offense.
In addition to the above penalties, the Town may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the Town in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation Section 75-38 by any person, organization, corporation, group or other entity which holds an ownership interest in the Individual Aircraft.
Source: Individual Aircraft Manufacturers, Atkins North America Inc., 2012.
Voting rights and privileges for Individual Aircraft Members shall be the same as Individual Members.A Family Membership allows for the use of Company aircraft by members of the same family.
ASIP and the Individual Aircraft Tracking (IAT) portion of ASIP are an integrated function within ALIS and the aircrew debriefing process.
The proceeds of each Loan made pursuant to the Term Loan Facility hereunder shall be used by the Applicable Borrower to (a) finance the payment of the Individual Aircraft Commitment Amount with respect to certain of the ACS Group Aircraft pursuant to the Purchase Agreements or (b) to fund each Aircraft Purchase Account in an amount equal to the Individual Aircraft Commitment Amount with respect to each other ACS Group Aircraft.
Dues for Individual Aircraft Members are 50% of the current monthly dues.
In the last Review, detailed information was given about the definition of an I.A.T.P. (Individual Aircraft Tracking Program) for the C 27-J aircraft, the control points and the routines that allow to define the severity of the actual usage, which is evaluated in terms of the potential crack growth.The IATP activity has started, and the IATP Data Processing is in progress for the Hellenic Air Force and for the Italian Air Force.
There are four types of memberships - Student, Individual, Aircraft Owner and Family.The Student membership consists of one person owning one share of the Company, with one vote, and paying one monthly fee assessment.
Don Edberg, design advisor.• Individual Aircraft Design Competition — Competing teams had to design a cargo aircraft able to operate in and out of austere fields able to carry an unmodified standard ISO 20’ container.First Place Winners: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, for their design “Boomerand Military Flying Straddle Carrier.” Skytruck Enterprises Team Member Lead: Daniel Lucak.