Individual service record definition
Individual service record means either a paper, or electronic file, or both that is maintained by the behavioral health agency and contains pertinent behavioral health, medical, and clinical information for each individual served.
Individual service record means either a paper, or elec- tronic file, or both that is maintained by the behavioral health agen- cy and contains pertinent behavioral health, medical, and clinical in- formation for each individual served.
Individual service record means an individual’s records maintained by the program pursuant to OAR 309-035-0130(4).
More Definitions of Individual service record
Individual service record means the written or electronic documentation regarding an enrolled individual that summarizes the services and supports provided from point of entry to service conclusion.
Individual service record means an individual’s records maintained by the program pursuant to as required and established in OAR 309-035-01307(4).
Individual service record means the written or electronic documentation regarding an enrolled
Individual service record means the written or elec- tronic documentation regarding an enrolled individual that summa- rizes the services and supports provided from point of entry to service conclusion.